
Friday 28 June 2024

Book Review - Bring Me Sunshine by Alex Brown

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Title: Bring Me Sunshine
Author: Alex Brown
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Publication Date: 6th June 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Mamma Mia meets Shirley Valentine in the brand-new holiday romance for 2024 from the International No.1 bestseller.

Gina Bennett has had enough after her husband of twenty-seven years lets her down one time too many. Deciding to choose herself, she embarks on a transformative solo journey to break free from the monotony of her life.

She escapes to the gorgeous Greek island of Kalosiros, where she holidayed in her youth, and where she had her first romance with the handsome Nico. Encountering two kindred spirits in Rosie and Deedee, the women bond over art classes and cocktails, renewing their lust for life and a shared quest to find Gina's lost love.

Together, they navigate the challenges of middle-age, self-discovery, and the liberating power of skinny-dipping. Will Gina find love again with her teenage sweetheart Nico, her husband, or with someone new? 

Bring Me Sunshine is a wonderfully uplifting, coming-of-middle-age story about female friendship, romance and starting over, set on a gorgeous Greek island in the sun. The perfect summer read!

I love Alex Brown books! 
I love Mamma Mia! 
I love Shirley Valentine!

So combining all three into one book was always going to be a winning combination for me, and it really was! 

I got the Alex Brown vibes instantly, not just because she is the author of the book, but because the small bit before the action moves to Greece, was set in Tindledale, a setting that is very familiar to Alex Brown fans. 

And equally, just on meeting Gina's husband and the first couple of chapters, I was very strong on the Shirley Valentine vibes. I could see many parallels between the two, which just made me smile 

And once Gina finally makes it to Greece, she starts to come into her own, she meets on her first night two other solo women and a friendship is strike-d up instantly, and from there the trio were inseparable - a bit like Donna and the Dynamos - in fact I really could get the Mamma Mia feelings too - not least as Fernando is a song that kept buoying Gina's confidence. 

Between Rosie and DeeDee they encourage her to search the island of Kalosiros for her lost love Nico, while she also ignites her artistic abilities too. She also has far too many messages from her husband each day, despite them being separated. 

With plenty of sun, sea, cocktails and a whole lot more, this is a perfect summer escapist read.  I devoured it, loving every single word.  Another totally fabulous book from one of my favourite authors. I  couldn't get enough of all of it. 

It's brilliant and totally transported me to Greece. 

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Thursday 27 June 2024

Book Review - The Cosy Cat Society by Charlie Lyndhurst

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Title: The Cosy Cat Society
Author: Charlie Lyndhurst
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Hera
Publication Date: 3rd September 2023
Rating: 4 Stars

A purrfect cure for lonely humans awaits

Five strangers meet at a cat sanctuary after each facing difficulties in their lives – leading them to the calming nature of the feline refuge.

Sasha is struggling with the heartbreak of her past and is trying to forge a new life out of a difficult childhood.

Paul has worked hard to break free from a controlling relationship and is ready to find real love.

Luke is searching for his biological parents, desperate to discover the answers about his life he so fiercely needs.

Anna finds solace from her troubled mind in animal therapy, and lastly, Mim, the social butterfly who no one expects is hiding a secret pain.

Brought together by their love for cats, these very different people might just find friendship is in the last place any of them expected…

Fans of Lindsey Kelk, Mike Gayle and Clare Pooley will love this uplifting story of how our feline friends can bring us together and banish loneliness.

What a gorgeous read. 

Let's start with the felines, and wow there are a lot of cats in this, for its a rather huge and busy cat sanctuary. And all the humans are volunteering there or working there, for their own reasons.  They all have secrets of their own, and gain so much from their time with the cats. 

I really enjoyed getting to know Sasha, Anna, Mim, Paul and Luke and their various dynamics. And the fight to keep the rescue centre in business after they are being kicked out of their current location is innovative.

I especially found I was drawn to Anna, who initially drove me bonkers with her overthinking every single thing, but once I realised just how and why she is like she is, I felt rather protective and just wanted good things to happen for her.    And I also really liked Luke, who although going about things initially not in the best way, hangs around and slowly forms bonds with everyone, in a really heartwarming way. 

This was the first book I'd read from Charlie Lyndhurst and I'm sure it won't be the last. I was drawn in by the promise of cats, but stayed for the complex characters and their changing relationships.  It was a very 
entertaining story to read. 

Thank you to Hera and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Book Review - The Sunshine Sisters: Skye by Rosie Green

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Title: The Sunshine Sisters: Skye
Author: Rosie Green
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Author supplied copy
Publisher: Self Published
Publication Date: 6th April 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Skye Sunshine has a theory that workmen, when in your house, should be seen and not heard. But Saul, the annoyingly sexy handyman clearly hasn't received the memo! He's far too cheeky and irritating for her liking.
But when Skye's peace of mind and reputation as an actress is threatened by hacks desperate for a story, can she really afford to turn down Saul's offer – to whisk her away from the limelight to the privacy of his rustic cabin in the woods?

I'm loving these Sunshine sisters books. This one focused on Skye, the eldest of the sisters.

Well this had naked wild swimming, a spa day, blackmail, family secrets and a hint of a new romance.  

I'm not revealing anymore details about the above, as that would be big time spoilers, but rest assured you will certainly be kept on your toes as you read this. 

Skye's relationship with Ada is delved into, and I'm already interested to see how Ada is developed further in Blossoms story.

There wasn't really as much of the Duck Pond Cafe girls in this one, possibly as Skye had so many various dramas and dilemmas to deal with.

I'm loving this trilogy within a series and can't wait for the next book. 

Thank you to the author for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Book Review - The Sunshine Sisters: Aurora by Rosie Green

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Amazon UK

Title: The Sunshine Sisters: Aurora
Author: Rosie Green
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Author Supplied Copy 
Publisher: Self Published
Publication Date: 19th February 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

The start of an exciting new trilogy (within the Little Duck Pond Café series) about three sisters struggling to get past the events of their childhood.

When middle sister Aurora (Rori) escaped a bad relationship and fled to Sunnybrook, she was crossing her fingers for a brand new start. Meeting the gorgeous Kurt has put some sparkle back in her life. But now the past has come back to haunt her. Scary things keep happening and it's becoming impossible to know who she can trust. Someone wants to keep her in fear, but where and how will it all end?

With the help of her new friends at the Little Duck Pond Café, can Rori solve the mystery before it's too late?

I always love delving into a new Little Duck Pond Cafe book and was very curious to see just what the first book of Rosie Green's new  sub trilogy would be like. 

Well in one word....


The Sunshine sisters are Skye, Blossom and Aurora (Rori), all of whom have a very different relationship with mother Ada. 

This book focuses on Rori, who is still trying to recover from a horrible previous relationship, and has no idea who she can trust. 

Including Kurt, the new man she met fairly memorably. 

This felt darker than most of the previous books in the series, which once again shows the author's versatility and skill at writing whatever she turns her hand at. 

I was hooked very early on and couldn't get enough of it. 

Already have started reading the next book in this sub trilogy as it is definitely another worthy addition to this series. 

Thank you to the author for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Monday 24 June 2024

Book Review - Oar Than Friends by Lulu Moore - #HolidayReading Cruise

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Title: Oar Than Friends
Author: Lulu Moore
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Michael Joseph
Publication Date: 14th March 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

She's rowing for Cambridge. He's rowing for Oxford. But they just can't keep one another at oar's length . . .

Arthur Osbourne-Cloud has his future mapped out for him – graduate Oxford and follow his dreadful father into politics. Except Arthur wants anything but that. He’d rather spend his days rowing for gold at the Olympics,.

And this year he has the Boat Race to win.

Kate Astley also has her future mapped out. Fly half-way across the world, and win a scholarship at Cambridge University to study medicine. Oh, and crew for the legendary Boat Race. Seems simple enough.

But then she meets Arthur.

For Arthur, this feisty American challenges everything he's been taught to believe, while Kate battles between what she's expected to do, and what she wants to do.

The bitter rivalry between their universities ought to destroy them. Or will it just be a matter of time before they surrender to the sizzling chemistry between them?

But In The Boat Race, there can only be one winner. Who will sink and who will swim?

I was drawn to this book as it is set to the backdrop of Oxbridge and specifically the Boat Race, which I do tend to watch each year without any allegiance. 

So Arthur and Kate's enemies to lovers, rivals to friends' romance really caught my attention,  And I loved every second of reading of this. 

From the descriptions of the rigorous training the crews have to do, to the rivalry, to re-examining your dreams, just everything really worked for me. 

I was loving every page of this book, which certainly kept me entertained on my flight home from my holiday 

I kept rooting for our heroes, even when circumstances were making it really tricky for them both.  I also enjoyed getting to know their friends, and generally get more of proper feel about the rivalry.  And reading about the heists were entertaining too. 

I believe this might be the start of a new series, in which case I'm certainly keen to read more, as I was loving this so much.  

Thank you to Penguin and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Friday 21 June 2024

Book Review - The Holiday Escape by Heidi Swain - #HolidayReading Cruise

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Title: The Holiday Escape
Author: Heidi Swain
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: 25th April 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Her dream holiday is his everyday life. His dream holiday is her normal life. What happens when they collide?
Ally and her dad, Geoff, run the family business, a creative retreat, from their home Hollyhock Cottage in picturesque Kittiwake Cove. They give their guests their dream break, but Ally hankers after glamourous city living, fancy restaurants and art galleries.

Ally’s survival strategy is to escape out of season, take a break abroad and pretend to be the person she always imagined she would be. She meets Logan while she’s away and he turns out to be exactly the kind of distraction she’s looking for.

With her spirits restored, Ally returns home, picks up the reins again and sets her sights on another successful season, but when Logan unexpectedly arrives on the scene, she soon realises she’s in for a summer that’s going to be far from straightforward…
A story about bringing a holiday home – and what happens when what goes on on holiday comes back to bite you…

I really loved this Heidi Swain standalone novel. 

From when Ally goes off on holiday and escapes into a different persona, to when worlds collide once she is back home, attempting to fool everyone that she really is happy in her life. 

And when faces from the most recent past, and childhood past re-appear, things start to get complicated and suddenly Ally is no longer completely sure what it is she really wants. 

I loved seeing what Ally would decide for her life, and I also really enjoyed getting to know Logan. I also loved all the various courses that were run at Hollyhock Cottage. 

This was a really enjoyable story with a a great setting that was a pure delight to read. 

Thank you to Simon & Schuster and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Thursday 20 June 2024

Book Review - A Fresh Start in the Cornish Village by Sarah Hope

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Amazon UK

Title: A Fresh Start in the Cornish Village
Author: Sarah Hope
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Boldwood books
Publication Date: 20th March 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

There’s no place like home…
Although dog trainer Sally is relatively new to Wagging Tails, the team she works with have quickly become her family and the dogs her friends.

But when Andy, the one that got away, turns up for a brief respite from the city, she is at a crossroads. As tempting as a life with him is, she loves her home of West Par, and anyway, she has responsibilities here.

Number one on that list is ensuring the dogs' home stays in business. A developer has been sniffing around wanting to buy the land, and the team is worried.

Sally will do anything to save her home and her friends’ livelihoods but the lure of reuniting with her lost love is strong. Is there a way for her to have both?

A cosy and heartwarming romance set in the beautiful Cornish countryside, perfect for fans of Sarah Bennett, Jo Bartlett and Philippa Ashley

There aren't enough words for how much I am absolutely loving this series, and this was another fabulous addition to it. 

I felt right at home almost instantly, having seen Sally in the previous books, and dog training and dog behaviour is absolutely fascinating. 

And there was a moment during the book that absolutely melted my heart to "Puddles" of mush. It really did show off the best parts of working in a dogs home. 

However it is a struggle for Wagging Tails' to stay in business especially when there is a property developer about, and there is a fight in Sally, Flora and Gina's hands to make sure the dogs home will survive. 

Sally also has her old love who comes back into her life, but whether they still have feelings for each other, you will have to discover for yourself. 

This was so enjoyable and I devoured the pages really quicky. I love books featuring animals, and this book and this series is just a joy to read.  I'm loving it so so much and looking forward to my next visit to the Wagging Tails.  Oh and if I could please visit, and give the dogs a cuddle, that would be amazing.

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Book Review - A Wonderland Wish On Ever After Street by Jaimie Admans

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Title: A Wonderland Wish On Ever After Street
Author: Jaimie Admans
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Publication Date: 24th May 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

A picture-perfect town, a place where dreams come true. Welcome to Ever After Street...

There's always time for tea... unless you've lost your teapot…

Cleo Jordan has only ever wished for one thing – to open her own teashop in memory of her lovely gran. So when she accidentally fools the interview board into thinking she's a brilliant baker and is offered a prime spot on Ever After Street, she knows her dream is about to come true!

Stepping into The Wonderland Teapot is like falling down the rabbit hole - magical! But there’s a catch: Cleo has completely lost her love of baking! With her little white lie ticking in her ear, it seems her dream is over before it’s begun.

Until she meets her very own Mad Hatter. Loved by everyone on Ever After Street, magician Bram brings an energy to the teashop that lifts everyone, and slowly, with his encouragement, Cleo is getting back to doing what she loves best.

But with Bram hiding secrets of his own, Cleo isn’t sure she can put all her faith in him. And when things start going wrong at the teashop, Cleo wonders if the culprit sabotaging her dream is someone closer than she thinks?

If Cleo wants her wish to work, she has to learn to trust again before she loses her head and heart completely…although it might already be far too late for that...

Perfect for fans of Holly Martin, Kat French and Caroline Roberts!

Jaimie Admans books should come with a little tag on them just saying "read me".  For they are the most magical of books that will take you down the rabbit hole of your imagination and leave you grinning like a Cheshire cat! 

Not only that you will be so absorbed, that you will then start running around saying "I'm late, I'm late for a very important date" when you realise that real life was happening while you were enjoying the story so much and that you are now late for something! 

Well when you are not calling "off with their heads" at the clear villain of the book, although I almost felt for for them towards the end, but not overly! 

Can you tell that I may have just loved this latest Ever After Street book, and that that the featured fairy tale this time around is Alice in Wonderland. 

All set in a new teashop, where Cleo suddenly acquires her very own Mad Hatter. And wow what a mad hatter Bram is, i absolutely loved him, on every level that he has.  And I really wanted to know how he was doing all of his magic tricks, while being rather relieved that no one broke the magic circle's code by revealing how the magic is done!

But wow I'd love to know how the magic is created in this author's head, as since this series started, it seems to have gone to the next level. This is just another really special book, and I can't wait to see what is coming next. 

If you are wanting a perfect escapist read with magic, romance, baking, sabotage, a Mad Hatter, and a whole lot more then you definitely need to read this. 

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Book Review - The British Bloke, Decoded by Geoff Norcott - #BlogTour

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Title: The British Bloke, Decoded
Author: Geoff Norcott
Format reviewed: Paperback
Source: Random Things Tours
Publisher: Monoray
Publication Date: 6th June 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

If you see a man drinking a pint in an airport pub alone, that's a bloke.
If you see a man driving to the tip on a Saturday morning with a smile on his face, that's a bloke.
And if you see a man heading back from the tip and on the way to the pub, that's a very happy bloke.

The British Bloke appears simple and straightforward. He loves football, cricket, beer and sheds. But beneath that simple exterior lies a mysterious and complex being...

In The British Bloke Decoded, writer, comedian and regular bloke, Geoff Norcott, peels back the layers of blokedom, revealing the truth behind the behaviour of Britain's husbands, dads, brothers and friends. He dives into the value of banter, the roots of mansplaining, the near impossibility of getting blokes to send birthday cards, and whether there could be a medal system for vacuuming.

Based on 46 years of intensive field research and semi-scientific insights, this book is a celebration of. the simple British bloke in all his splendour.

It has been an age since I last read any non fiction but when this book came to my attention I figured it might just be up my street.

And having read it, I'm starting to think that I'm possibly half a bloke myself, as I identified with all manner of things that were covered!

Split into fairly short chapters each one takes on a either a facet of life, or seeing various sports, people and films from the bloke point of view.

And there were many times that I was laughing out loud at this book. And there were so many behaviours that i recognised, and appreciated Geoff Norcott theories on what blokes do such things.

Please note that blokes are different to lads, geezers and other similar sounding terms for men, as they are all different subsets of the species.

This was immensely enjoyable, easy to dip and out of, and made me keen to see if I can find and stand up sets from the author.

It was fascinating, amusing and is certainly well worth a read if you have ever wanted to try to understand the mind of your own bloke a bit more. 

Thank you to Random Things Tours for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Book Review - Love in Provence by Jo Thomas - #BlogTour

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Title: Love In Provence
Author: Jo Thomas
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: 6th June 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Escape to the beautiful lavender fields of Provence this summer

Del moved to the south of France three years ago and hasn’t looked back. She’s found new friends, new purpose, and new love with gorgeous Fabien.

But just as harvest on her little lavender farm is due to begin, Del gets some shocking news. With no time to dwell as she welcomes a new crew of lavender pickers, she unexpectedly waves goodbye to Fabien for the summer.

Usually cooking – the thing she loves best – would help soothe her troubles, but Del doesn’t remember how . . . And then chef Zacharie comes to town, dropping another bombshell!

Over one summer in Provence that’s full of surprises, friends old and new rally round. Can they complete the harvest and pull the community back together? And if Fabien returns, will Del finally get her happy-ever-after?

How wonderful it was to be back in Provence, and in Del's life.  I hadn't twigged until I started reading that this was clearly a sequel to Escape to the French Farmhouse, purely as I don't read blurbs of Jo Thomas books, I just know I want to read them as she is always awesome. 

And this was absolutely no exception, as I devoured this book over the course of a evening, and was very lucky to not miss my stop on the tube.  I've discovered over the years that reading a Jo Thomas novel on a train / tube means the journey goes fast, the pages turn fast and I am oblivious to the outside world around me!  Such is my level of immersion. 

You could practically smell the lavender as you are reading this, and there are so many mouth watering meals described that it's no wonder I was hungry by the end of the book (despite having eaten not that long before!). 

Catching up with old friends in this story, as well as making new ones, this is showing the Del was living her best life until a Mistral swept into town and turned things a bit topsy turvy, which added to the drama and intrigue of the book. 

There is absolutely nothing going smoothly, and it takes the whole community to get involved to help her. 

I just loved everything about this book, it conjures up the feeling of summer, even while reading it out of season, and is full of love. I couldn't get enough of this, and certainly would be happy if there was yet another book set here. 

Thank you to Penguin and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Please do follow along with the rest of the blog tour - 

Monday 17 June 2024

Book Review - Her Last Summer by Emily Freud - #HolidayReading Cruise

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Title: Her Last Summer
Author: Emily Freud
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Quercus
Publication Date: 11th April 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

No body. No crime?

Twenty years ago, Mari vanished while backpacking through Thailand with her boyfriend, Luke. He was accused of murder, but has always insisted he's innocent. Besides, her body was never found.

Now, he's finally ready to talk. And filmmaker Cassidy Chambers wants to be the one to uncover what really happened, back then, in the dark of the jungle.

But as she delves deeper into the past, Cassidy begins to fear what lies ahead, and the secrets buried along the way.

Wow what a book, I really didn't see a fair amount of it coming.

I was completely hooked by this story, and was as eager as Cassidy and her entire team to find out the truth about what happened to Mari, 20 years ago in the Thai jungle. 

I loved the way it was all presented, and the re-enactments of the whole of Luke and Mari's Thai trip was brilliant. I really felt as though I was in Thailand alongside them. 

This was the first book I had read from Emily Freud and I would certainly be eager to read more in the future.  I was transported to the world between the pages and found myself not wanting  to leave it. 

Thank you to Quercus and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Friday 14 June 2024

Book Review - A New Dawn at Owls' Lodge by Jessica Redland

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Title: A New Dawn at Owls' Lodge
Author: Jessica Redland
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Publication Date: 16th May 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Could one chance meeting change your life forever?

Zara is at a crossroads in life. While she adores her job as a producer's assistant working on hit TV shows, travelling around the country means she doesn't truly feel that she has a home. With a fractured relationship with her family and unrequited love weighing heavily on her heart, she is torn about what her next step in life should be...

Snowy is hiding from the world. He's devoted his life to home schooling his young son and caring for sick owls at his home, Owl's Lodge, deep in the Yorkshire Wolds countryside. While he's passionate about both, it's a lonely existence and he's starting to question his decisions. But how do you step back into a world you've pushed away for years...?

When Zara brings an injured owl to Owl's Lodge, its frosty, reclusive owner is far from welcoming. Despite hostilities, there's a connection that neither could ever have prepared themselves for. As they discover a shared passion, a new friendship blossoms, but both Zara and Snowy are used to shutting people out.

Can they both find the courage to open up and the strength to move on from their pasts? And what could this mean for their future happiness?

Escape to the world of Bumblebee Barn and Hedgehog Hollow with MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER Jessica Redland for this brand new feel-good romance of family, friendship and hope.

I love, Love, LOVED this book so so much!  I have no words to describe how totally awesome it is. 

i mean it's back within the world of Hedgehog Hollow and Bumblebee Barn, but totally reads as a standalone, as the focus is on all new characters.  But for the Jessica Redland mega fans amongst us, it has so many familiar faces that you won't be able to stop smiling. 

Well apart from when you are reading the far more serious in tone back stories especially for Snowy.  Snowy intrigued me from the start, and I loved finding out every little detail about him and his family. Not to mention the gymnastics he is involved in, and of course the Owl Rescue he runs. 

I loved reading all about the various types of Owl in the UK, and seeing the work Snowy, his son Harrison and grandpa Eddie do at the rescue.  But he is rather reclusive, until Zara steps into his life with an injured owl.

Zara is Amber's assistant and has a troubled relationship with her family.  She is clearly an animal lover, and is loving the fact that she has a room of her own at Bumblebee Barn 

I am convinced by this point that the author isn't just a hedgehog lover but a lover of all Wildlife as I fell for the owls in the same way I fell in the past for the hedgehogs.  She is doing wonders for the awareness of wildlife rescue up and down the UK, and should be commended for it, just from including the various animals into her books. 

I really hope that there will be more books set in this part of the Yorkshire Wolds as I am enjoying them so much.  And I just want to see more animals too! 

A wonderful story of rediscovering the world around you, and of a very sweet romance between two incredibly well suited people. 

Tough topics are dealt with sensitively and this is ultimately a heartwarming wonderful story.  More please! 

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Thursday 13 June 2024

Book Review - Far From Home by T. A. Williams

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Amazon UK

Title: Far From Home
Author: T. A .Williams
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Canelo
Publication Date: 23rd May 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

The secrets of the past will unlock her future…
Working in the fast-paced foreign exchange market in Canary Wharf, Amy never expected her job to drive her to collapse. With her doctor advising she take a month off work, when Amy receives a solicitor’s letter informing her of a surprise inheritance in Italy, the timing couldn’t be more perfect.

But who on earth has left her a house in the sleepy Tuscan hills?

As she gets to know the town and its inhabitants, Amy discovers more about the mysterious man who named her in his will. Shocking family secrets come to light, leaving Amy questioning the life she knew.

The town of Sant’Antonio holds more than just secrets. Here, Amy meets Adam, a renowned TV journalist whose documentaries take him to dangerous places. But as their attraction grows, so do Amy’s worries. Her life is in England, while Adam’s is untethered and under constant threat…

An emotional, heartwarming love story full of family drama and quirky locals. Perfect for fans of Rosanna Ley, Alex Brown and Lucinda Riley.

I do love a T. A. Williams book and I'm in eternal amazement at just how prolific his writing is, in two different genres, and both to such a high quality. 

And Far From Home is another wonderful book from this author.  Don't worry it has the trademark black Lab, a gorgeous dog called Max who stole my heart, as well as Amy's heart. 

We have a surprise inheritance with a slight mystery as to just why Martin has left so much to Amy, when she has never heard of him.  There is also some incredibly gorgeous Italian men, and a wonderful Tuscan setting of Sant'Antonio.   

I loved Amy's story, seeing how she adjusted to her changing circumstances, and trying to work out just where she might be happiest living in the future. While at the same time becoming more and more integrated into life in Italy, and she makes some lovely new friends. 

It had me wanting to book the next flight to Italy, in order to move their, I was that at home in the setting, which was so wonderfully described. 

An incredibly enjoyable story that I devoured, and couldn't get enough of.  Another worthy addition to this author's catalogue of fabulous Italian based books. 

Thank you to Canelo and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.