
Wednesday 26 June 2024

Book Review - The Sunshine Sisters: Skye by Rosie Green

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Title: The Sunshine Sisters: Skye
Author: Rosie Green
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Author supplied copy
Publisher: Self Published
Publication Date: 6th April 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Skye Sunshine has a theory that workmen, when in your house, should be seen and not heard. But Saul, the annoyingly sexy handyman clearly hasn't received the memo! He's far too cheeky and irritating for her liking.
But when Skye's peace of mind and reputation as an actress is threatened by hacks desperate for a story, can she really afford to turn down Saul's offer – to whisk her away from the limelight to the privacy of his rustic cabin in the woods?

I'm loving these Sunshine sisters books. This one focused on Skye, the eldest of the sisters.

Well this had naked wild swimming, a spa day, blackmail, family secrets and a hint of a new romance.  

I'm not revealing anymore details about the above, as that would be big time spoilers, but rest assured you will certainly be kept on your toes as you read this. 

Skye's relationship with Ada is delved into, and I'm already interested to see how Ada is developed further in Blossoms story.

There wasn't really as much of the Duck Pond Cafe girls in this one, possibly as Skye had so many various dramas and dilemmas to deal with.

I'm loving this trilogy within a series and can't wait for the next book. 

Thank you to the author for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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