
Tuesday 11 June 2024

Book Review - The Allotment on Willow Tree Lane by Lilac Mills

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Title: The Allotment on Willow Tree Lane
Author: Lilac Mills
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Canelo
Publication Date: 11th January 2024
Rating: 4 Stars

When a local meadow is turned into a bee-friendly allotment, will romance also blossom?
New teacher Ceri has enough on her plate trying to keep her class in line and get them excited for her Foxmore wildlife efforts. Then she meets the mysterious – and occasionally grumpy – Damon, whose orchard she’d like to explore.

Rock star Damon has moved to Foxmore to escape the hounding paparazzi following the tragic death of his bandmate. Relocating to somewhere quiet and isolated is just what he needs to recover. Ceri is a ray of sunshine, but he’s not ready to share his dark secrets with her.

As love blooms, will Damon’s hidden past get in the way of their happiness? And can he bring himself to give up his music for love?

A gorgeously tender, uplifting romance in the heart of Wales, perfect for readers of Mandy Baggot, Suzanne Snow and Sue Moorcroft.

Was lovely to be back in Foxmore, with this third book in this delightful series. 

And it really was a charming story, featuring Ceri who has just moved to Foxmore to be closer to her brother Huw, and is starting a new job that she isn't sure she is suited too, while also agreeing to resurrect the Foxmore Allotments. 

She is a keen horticulturist and we learn a lot about plants over the course of this book. 

Meanwhile Damon has returned to Foxmore and is trying his hardest to keep a low profile.  But he meets Ceri almost instantly and their paths keep crossing until the attraction between them is too hard to ignore. 

The opening chapter is particularly memorable as it is swapping between a funeral and a wedding, but its a good way to introduce us to both of our main characters. 

This was a really enjoyable story,  in a familiar setting, and even had me shocked at various points of it. I was keen to see what would happen, and was definitely entertained as I turned the pages. 

A great for now at least ending to this series. 

Thank you to Canelo and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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