
Thursday 4 July 2024

Book Review - The Happiest Ever After by Milly Johnson

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Title: The Happiest Ever After
Author: Milly Johnson
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK 
Publication Date: 18th July 2024 (Paperback)
Rating: 5 Stars

Polly Potter is surviving, not thriving. She used to love her job – until her mentor died and her new boss decided to make her life hell. She used to love her partner Chris – until he cheated on her, and now she can’t forget. The only place where her life is working is on the pages of the novel she is writing – there she can create a feistier, bolder, more successful version of herself – as the ­fictional Sabrina Anderson.

But what if it was possible to start over again? To leave everything behind, forget all that went before, and live the life you’d always dreamed of?

After a set of unforeseen circumstances, Polly ends up believing she really IS Sabrina, living at the heart of a noisy Italian family restaurant by the sea. Run by Teddy, the son of her new landlady Marielle, it’s a much-loved place, facing threat of closure as a rival restaurant moves in next door. Sabrina can’t remember her life as Polly, but she knows she is living a different life from the one she used to have.

But what if this new life could belong to her after all?

You know you are in for a treat of a Milly Johnson book, when everyone's favourite newspaper The Daily Trumpet makes its return.  And almost every single time it was featured I was audibly laughing or snorting out loud.  It's comedy gold. 

And that's before you even come to the actual story which is easily one of my favourite Milly Johnson novels. 

There is so much going on in it, that the best way to discover the story is to read it yourself, as I would hate to give out even a hint of spoiler. 

But what a totally lovely story this is.  I was rooting for Polly at all times, and there are multiple view points and sub plots going on that totally engaged me. 

I was loving every word of this fabulous novel, and I loved the ideas that the character who identifies as Sabrina had for Teddy's Italian restaurant.  And there is the most amazing culmination of some of the plots towards the end that had me open mouthed and laughing at the same time. 

It's just a joyous book to read, and if you have never read a Milly Johnson novel before, this is almost certainly a great place to start to give you an idea of all the facets of this multi talented author's writing abilities and her wonderful sense of humour too. 

Just fabulous. 

Thank you to Simon & Schuster and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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