
Thursday 27 August 2015

Book Review - The Aubrey Rules by Aven Ellis

Amazon UK
Title: The Aubrey Rules
Author: Aven Ellis
Format reviewed:  Ebook
Source: Review copy supplied by author
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Publication Date: 26th August 2015
Rating: 5 Stars

Some of the Aubrey Rules to Live By: 

*If I’m going to indulge in French fries, I must add extra time to the treadmill the next day. 
*Always keep your work and private life separate. 
*Being open to new experiences will never involve eating kale. 
*Never, ever date a professional athlete. 

For Chicago social media professional Aubrey Paige, the rules are everything. So much so that Aubrey has painstakingly written her rules for living into a polka-dot Kate Spade notebook that she carries with her at all times. It’s her personal guidebook to living her life. These rules are the Holy Grail—ones never to be broken. They guide her actions for everything, from dealing with workplace drama to finding a great guy to date. After all, these are her own rules, built from her life experiences and observations. So they have to be perfect, right? 

Or are they? 

Because when Aubrey meets a cute Canadian, she suddenly finds her rules being tested and challenged in ways she never dreamed possible. Beckett Riley is the shy, quiet, determined captain of the Chicago Buffaloes, a hockey team on the verge of turning the corner to becoming a winning organization. He’s Aubrey's opposite, with so many qualities that Aubrey had listed as ones she’d never want in a man. 

Yet Aubrey finds herself drawn to Beckett in ways she’s never known. And when she unexpectedly finds herself working with Beckett, she wonders if rules are meant to be broken after all . . . 

I feel I should start with a disclaimer. I am a humongous fan of Aven Ellis' books and I fear I may go a bit too gushy in describing this book to you all. What I will say with absolute certainty is I loved this book 3000% and I am completely in love with Beckett. 

My only fault with this book is that it had to end, but before that slightly off putting fact, you have a story filled with one of the best romances I have read this year. 

Beckett is a "nice guy", he is shy and awkward but also a fearsome captain for Ice-hockey team Chicago Buffaloes. He manages to in the course of the book, save the day once, produce one perfect date that made me go a bit weak at the knees, and then his plans for Valentines day, had me swooning. 

Aubrey is hilarious, she lives her life according to her "rules", but as she will soon discover rules are made to be amended and broken many times over. The Aubrey Rules listed in the blurb, are some of the key ones involved in this book, and they are all very relevant (even the mention of kale!). Each chapter starts with an Aubrey rule, but as the book goes on so does the number of edits she makes to the rule.

When I say this book is full of romance, I really do mean romance in the thoughtful gestures sense of the word and not the "50 Shades of Grey bodice ripper" meaning of the genre. It is book full of romantic moments between Beckett and Aubrey and keep making me say aww.

I have a feeling I was ultimately just a little jealous of Aubrey, after all she has met MY dream guy! I do know that Aven Eliis is making me seriously consider moving to Chicago, based on the amount of amazing book boyfriends that seem to live there. I have to believe its based on reality and that Chicago is full of men who are willing to see past the superficial, through to the real you!

In amongst the budding relationship between Aubrey and Beckett, is Aubrey's new job. She has a nightmare boss, but not necessarily in the way you would expect. You need to keep an eye on the boss, as she is definitely the villain of the book. 

Aven Ellis has proven once again that she is the "queen of book boyfriends" and of "happy ever afters" with this amazing feel good, loveable and enjoyable book. Anything that has me smiling and laughing from front to back, as well as falling in love with a fictional character (and a small crush on his team mate), is definitely a top book for me. 

Thank you so much Aven for this review copy. I am honored that you asked me if  I wanted an advance copy, and all views expressed in this review are my own and honest. 


  1. Just a hunch, but I think you loved this book, Rachel. :) Can't get much better than 3000%. Well done, Aven. xx

  2. I suspect you could be right there Sheryl. I sort of wanted to make the review just "absolutely amazing, buy it now", but figured it may not be too helpful!
