
Friday 28 August 2015

Paperback Summer Round Up

As you may recall, I have been taking pat in Paperback Summer for the past 3 months, in the off chance it will reduce the amount of outstanding paperbacks I have to read. Well without even writing the rest of the post I can categorically say I have definitely got more books now than I did at the start of June. 

I have had tremendous luck entering book competitions, and between that and so many "must have" new books being released, I haven't been able to resist. 

The other thing that happened over the summer was I was diagnosed with Golfer's elbow and until I was able to start physio, the thought of holding a paperback that was larger than 300 pages scared me as I had very little strength in my right arm. 

So how did I do over these three months?...

Books Read

Books Read

As you can see from the photos, I have read 35 books, in 90 days, which doesn't sound too bad. Obviously I have been reading kindle books in addition. Almost all the books pictured above have been reviewed, and some of those reviews will still be appearing in the next month or two!

However being the sort of geek that I am, I really want to know how I did in each of the 3 categories, I displayed in my start of Paperback Summer post. 

Category 1 - Awkward sized books, hardbacks and ARCs

Before (9)
After (18)

Ooops. well those piles have doubled. This category is basically the books that you can't stack easily so the ones smaller or larger than the average paperback, This was the category I was determined to make inroads into , but with the golfer's elbow they were also the books I least felt like reading. 

Category 2 - Purchased Books

Before (14)

After (17)

Well I have definitely purchased books and read those ones during this challenge, and with the sheer amount of books that have been released over the last 3 months that I really wanted to read, I'm impressed that there are only a few more of these books than I started with. 

Category 3 - Books won in competitions

Before (23)

After (26)
Not a ridiculously big gain, but since the idea of the challenge was to read books and make a dent in the piles. There are quite a few of the original 23 that I definitely read and enjoyed, but I love entering book competitions, and I've had a ridiculously lucky couple of months. 


Overall I had 46 unread paperbacks at the start of the summer. 
At the end of the summer I now have 61 books. 

I have a feeling that is the most ever unread paperbacks I have had at one time. Evidently I am now a true book blogger and book maniac, with the amounts of unread physical books that I have had. 

I really enjoyed taking part in Paperback summer, even if I hadn't been focused on the paperback reading, then there could have been 80+ unread still probably. 

It there are any books in the After photos that you would really like to see reviewed on this blog then please do leave me a comment, and I will try and prioritise them, when I get a chance. 

I feel the moral of these three months is that I have to continue to try and read a few paperbacks a week or my house will be covered in them at some point!

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