
Monday 12 October 2015

Book Review - Sweet Nothing by Alison May - Rachel Reads Randomly Book #3

Amazon UK
Title: Sweet Nothing
Author: Alison May
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Purchased
Publisher: Choc Lit
Publication Date: 28th November 2013
Rating: 3.5 Stars

Would you risk everything for love? 

Independent, straight-talking Trix Allen wouldn’t. She’s been in love once before and ended up with nothing. Now safely single, Trix is as far away from the saccharine-sweet world of hearts and flowers as it’s possible to be. 

Ben Messina is the man who broke Trix’s heart. Now he’s successful the only thing rational Ben and free-spirited Trix see eye-to-eye on is the fact that falling in love isn’t part of the plan. But when Ben’s brother sets out to win the heart of Trix’s best friend, romance is very much in the air. Will Trix gamble everything on love and risk ending up with zero once again? 

A light hearted clever retelling of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing.

I am convinced I never noticed the bit about this being a retelling of Much Ado About Nothing, when I originally bought this book. It is not one of Shakespeare's plays that I know anything about, and I can't work out whether this put me at an advantage or disadvantage as I started this book. 

At least I had no pre-conceptions as to the story, and was happy to go with the flow. We have best friends Trix and Henri, who work and live together. We also have brothers of Italian descent Ben and Claudio. 

Henri and Claudio had one date a year ago and then Claudio spent the year in Italy, and they emailed each other daily. She is very excited about seeing him again. Trix though doesn't really appear to get on with Ben, and it turns out he broke her heart when they were at uni. 

The story is split into the various points of view, of the girls and the boys, and we also jump back and forth in their timeline, to up to twenty years previous, to get insights into Trix and Ben's previous relationship, and all of their childhoods. We discover something upsetting that has clearly had a long term affect on Henri and definitely explains some of her personality traits. 

I enjoyed the way Alison May crafted the story, and you really got a feel for the four main characters distinctive personalities, and seeing Ben's thoughts were as awkward as seeing him in conversation. He is a maths geek, and just slightly socially awkward. Henri is a people pleaser, Claudio is I would say manipulative towards woman, but charming with it, and Trix seems like a regular girl. 

This is a cleverly interwoven tale of the protaganists, as we see if they will or won't get together. It is well paced, although I felt the book finished a bit abruptly. I would have loved more of a feeling of knowing the overall outcomes. 

Overall it was an enjoyable story and one that has made me very curious about Alison's Christmas books, as I think I would love them even more. 

Thank you to the 2 of you who voted for this book. It was tied with another, and I went with this purely as I was scared if I started Book 1 of a trilogy, I would end up reading that and get very behind on my Christmas reading. Glad I read this one, as I have at least discovered an author I would like to read more from (but perhaps not the Bards series). If you want to influence one of my books for next week, then please do check out this week's vote, which is already up. 


  1. This is the only one of Alison's I haven't read - but I loved her Christmas reads, and I'm sure you would too! A x

    1. That is probably enough recommendation for me! I have one on my wish list, so will probably buy it at some point in the next few months!
