
Friday 10 June 2016

Friday Funday - Truth or Lie? - Peter Jones - Month 2 Week 4

Welcome to the second ever edition of Truth of Lie. My name is Rachel and I will be your host, for this exciting new game show. Each Friday, I will have one contestant, and they will be answering 14 questions. There is of course one small twist...

For three of the answers, they have to lie. It is your task as the viewer to guess which three answers are lies. You are allowed 3 guesses and I want them posted into the comments field. 

Every 4 weeks, I will close the guessing, count up how many correct answers each of you has, and create a leaderboard. Anyone who is top of the leaderboard, will go into a draw for a paperback of the winners choice (open internationally). 

Please do include a way for me to contact you (email or twitter or similar), so that I can let you know if you have won. 

The weekend after a 4 week period closes, not only will I produce a leaderboard, and announce a winner, I will also let you know into the true answers, and which were the lies.  

Closing date for the first month is 11pm on 16th June 2016. 

So without further ado, let's meet today's contestant. 

Good morning contestant, please can you tell me your name and a little bit about yourself?

Hello, I’m Peter Jones. I’m the author of three and a half self-help books and two hilarious novels. I am very tall, I love cheese, I don’t own a departmental store and I’m not a dragon of any description.

Please to meet you Peter, so you aren't any of the really famous Peter Jones' that's a shame I thought I had a real coo snagging you for my feature! Ah well, I love your books anyway.

As an additional one week bonus, anyone who takes part this week, will also be entered into a separate draw to win a paperback copy of The Truth About This Charming Man (open internationally). Closing date is also 11pm on the 16th June. 

Now onto the show, and remember everyone, Peter hasn't been entirely truthful with three of these answers, so it is up to you to guess which ones they are (only 3 guesses per person though). 

1) Who is your favourite author?

Blimey. Hard to pick just one. Probably Audrey Niffenegger.
No. Scrub that.Nick Hornby. Definitely Nick.
Or Terry Pratchett. Yes – sorry – it has to be Terry.
Or Audrey.

2) What book do you wish you had written?

The Bible. Think of the royalties on that baby!

3) What was your most memorable holiday ever?

Probably the honeymoon I had with my wife Kate in St Lucia. It was the most magical place I’ve ever been to.

4) If you could be an animal what would you be and why?
A velociraptor. Apparently chicks really dig that steely cold, I-might-tear-you-to-shreds-any-moment look. How else do you explain Jason Stratham’s appeal?

5) If you could be a fruit, what would you be and why?

Are these questions taken from the Rachel Gilbey book of Speed Dating Tips? (Actually I’ve written a book on dating. My speed dating questions are way better).

6) What superpower would you love to have?

I’ve been asking myself this question on a regular basis since I was about ten years old, and whereas Invisibility, or Teleportation, or Time Travel would be “totally awesome” (you have to say that in an Californian accent)… as I’ve got older I’ve realised that actually, the ability to halt aging, would be much more preferable.

7) What is the most annoying interview question you have ever been asked?

The one about the animal was a little irritating. I had to look up the spelling of velociraptor. 

8) What is your dream job, and have you tried to achieve it?
I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut.  Apparently though there’s a maximum height restriction. Something to do with the height of the doors on the Space Shuttle. I guess it must be a health and safety thing. Or maybe NASA just can’t risk having their cosmonauts accidentally bashing their heads whilst boarding the shuttle. That kind of idiocy tends to detract from the historic gravitas of a manned space mission. You can see the headlines now: “English Astronaut struggles to get through six foot doorway – will he find Mars?” It’s a shame too, because I’ve got a whole load of ideas for Zero G experiments. Mostly involving my cat. (Apparently you can’t take cats to space either. Who makes these dumb rules?)

9) Can you describe for me what your perfect day would involve?

A perfect day for me starts at 4am in the middle of the summer. No one else – apart from birds and my cat – is up at that hour. I open the door in my office to the balcony, scoff my breakfast whilst I look out at the sea, then go back inside and get writing. If it’s a REALLY good day I can knock out 2,500 words by midday – and by then my  creative brain is usually empty. I make some lunch, and, whilst I’m eating it, check my email and post my writing progress on facebook. In the afternoon I might go for a walk – or do a talk at a local WI.  And after dinner I go to bed whenever I feel tired. That might be eight. It could be ten. I love responding to my circadian rhythm rather than being a slave to the clock. On days like that I never have any problem sleeping. I’m out for the count. And if it’s a really REALLY good day, I fall asleep knowing tomorrow’s going to be just the same.

10) Please name a cocktail that would describe you perfectly, and what’s in it?

More speed dating questions!? Maybe this is why speed dating never really worked for me.

11) Who is your ideal Disney character?

Ideal as in favourite? The genie from Aladdin. I know his lines from the film by heart.

12) What is your guilty pleasure when it comes to music? 

Britney Spears.

13) If you could only look at one view for the rest of eternity, what or where would you like to be to see this view?

For all eternity!? Wowsers. Probably any beach on the cook islands. I’ve never been but the pictures look absolutely stunning.

14) Can you let us in on an embarrassing secret?

I fainted during the sex education film at school. Three times. True story.

Thank you so much Peter for these very entertaining answers. I can assure you I have never been speed dating, so had no idea I was stealing their questions, and don't worry I won't share that embarrassing secret with anyone (at least I don't think anyone will read this!!!)

I hope you have enjoyed this edition of Truth or Lie? I will be back next week with another episode, and in the mean time...
Don't forget to guess the lies, to be in with a chance of a prize! 

Peter’s latest hilarious rom-com novel – THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS CHARMING MAN – is part of amazon’s (June) summer promo! Download it for a mere 99p.

Here’s a nice sixty second video telling you all about it, or read my review here.


  1. Probably completely wrong but I'm going with: 4, 12, 14.

  2. Probably completely wrong but I'm going with: 4, 12, 14.

  3. I don't think I am going to get any right.

    12, 9, 4

  4. 2, 12, 14 for me this week .. apart from the fact Peter was naughty and didn't technically answer 5 or 10 so do they count? :)

  5. I'm too busy laughing... but I'll go for 4,11,12. (And, I want 9 for my perfect day - can I be your stand-in when you finally get to space, Peter?)

  6. Not a clue, but I enjoyed the answers. (I think most people have taken it all terribly seriously, which isn't fair!) So many silly answers to choose from, so I'll say 2, 8, 14.
