
Monday 2 April 2018

Rachel Reads Randomly - Vote #93

Thank you everyone for your input last time. The results of the last vote were:

4 Votes - All The Colours In Between by Eva Jordan
5 Votes - A Year at Meadowbrook Manor by Faith Bleasdale
5 Votes  -  The Little Wedding Island by Jaimie Admans

Wow that was an incredibly close week, last week, and it was very almost a 3 way tie - the two way tie was tricky enough to decide between.  However when I spotted that Kaisha from The Writing Garnet tells me I have to read The Little Wedding Island and knowing she has been right on some must reads for me this year already, I decided that I would read A Year at Meadowbrook Manor, so that I can keep something that should be guaranteed enjoyment for another day! 

Always good to know you have something that is being highly recommended to look forward to, and I did spot mention of a rescue sanctuary on the Faith Bleasdale so couldn't resist the thought of of some animals. Whether I made the right decision I have no idea but I did love A Year at Meadowbrook Manor. 
For the next few weeks we will be randomising from my review back log - until each book in the back log has been up for a vote I keep falling further behind this may take a while,   Also hoping it means there are books more of you have heard of and thus will be more engaged with the vote!  

Below is my initial theory for this feature, and then a bit further, what you are all waiting for... This weeks's vote! Enjoy!

I am also awful at deciding what book to read next, as I often have about 10 titles or authors jumping into my brain at any time, shouting at me to read them, and I tend to worry I have made the wrong decision while reading a perfectly good book. I am hoping this will save me having to make at least 1 choice a week, while possibly providing a review to the site of a book you all either love or are curious about yourselves. 

So what I am proposing, is my lovely loyal readers of Rachel's Random Reads, select one book for me to read a week, and I will post the review the following week. 

This week's random numbers are...

And the books these numbers correspond to are...

So the 3 choices with my gut feeling responses are:

4 - Drawing Lessons by Patricia Sands - Having enjoyed this authors Provence series I couldn't resist downloading this one from Netgalley.  Just not got around to reading it yet. 
10 - A Talent Show in Cornwall by Laura Briggs - I do love a talent show, and I absolutely this Wedding in Cornwall series, I just need to read this one! 
16 - Anna by Amanda Prowse - Love this author, love how gripping her books are and how they draw a reader in. Only reason I haven't read this yet is that I'm drowning in great authors and books! 

I have an inkling as to which will win this week, at least I will be incredibly surprised if you make it a third tie in three weeks. However I do like surprises so have fun deciding for me! 

And authors, if its your book up on this feature, feel free to take part, vote for yourself, or stir up excitement amongst your fans! 

Pick your favourite or the one you most want me to review, or just the one you are curious about, and leave me a comment below, before midnight on Wednesday. 

I look forward to seeing what I will be reading over the weekend, courtesy of you all. 

The explanation if you haven't seen the feature before. 

How is this going to work?

Every Monday, I am going to have a post like this, which is going to have some choices on it. I am planning on using to select 7 random numbers, to coincide with my spreadsheet of unread books.  

I will from that produce a list of hopefully 5 books, I reserve the right to veto any books, and will give reasons for them, if it occurs.

I will take screenshots and post them, of the chosen books, and also give you my instinctive reactions to the choices (without checking blurbs or any other info about them, which could be interesting as there are probably many forgotten about books on my spreadsheet!). 

Your task is to post a comment on this post, with the book you would like me to read this week. At midnight on Wednesday I will take a tally of the votes and the book with the most, I will read and review for the following Monday, where you will also get a new choice post. 

In the event of a tie, I will chose which one appeals most, for the Monday review, and possibly try and read and review the other to appear when I can. 

I am hoping this will provide some variety to the books appearing, and will let me potentially read or discover some great authors that I have wanted to read but not got around to yet.


  1. All three look interesting this week Rachel. I've read Laura Briggs before and have enjoyed her books. I've also read and enjoyed Anna by Amanda Prowse and suspect that might be your winner this week! However, just to be different I'm going to choose the Patricia Sands book as that's not an author I'm familiar with.

  2. From Facebook:

    Audrey Cowie Anna by Amanda Prowse

  3. From Twitter:

    Emma Crowley

    51m51 minutes ago
    Replying to @gilbster1000
    My vote goes for Anna by Amanda Prowse. I’ll be interested to see do you think this one lives up to all the hype I have seen about it.

  4. From Facebook:

    Morton S Gray Yes I think I agree! Anna.

  5. Anna by Amanda Prowse. It's a great concept to split the story into the 2 points of view. I loved it and can't wait for Theo's side of the story.

  6. From Twitter:

    Short Book & Scribes

    1m1 minute ago
    Replying to @gilbster1000 @emthebookworm
    I'm going for A Talent Show in Cornwall because I know you love the books.

  7. From Facebook:

    Sue Shepherd They all look lovely. But I am rather drawn to Anna. Especially the line - One Love, Two Stories.

  8. From Facebook:

    Sue Bentley Anna - looks good - judging by the cover, which is not the way to choose a book!

  9. Got to be Amanda Prowse’s Anna- she’s a phenomenal author, I’ve read plenty of her previous novels and adored them.

  10. I've read Anna and thoughly enjoyed it and I think you will too so it gets my vote

  11. From Twitter:

    Julie Stock

    12m12 minutes ago
    Replying to @gilbster1000
    I think you should read 'Anna' :)

  12. A Talent Show in Cornwall by Laura Briggs, please

  13. From Twitter:

    Phyllis M. Newman Drawing lessons...I'm an artist, thats why.

  14. From Facebook:

    Jacqueline Brown I loved Drawing Lessons.

  15. From Twitter:

    Ian Wilfred

    Following Following @Ianwilfred39
    Replying to @gilbster1000
    I vote @PaperDollWrites ✔️

  16. From Facebook:

    JB Johnston Drawing Lessons. Patricia is a beautiful writer.

  17. From Twitter:

    Donna Hepburn

    6m6 minutes ago
    Replying to @gilbster1000
    Anna is fantastic x
