
Thursday 13 December 2018

Wohoo!! It's Christmas Holiday Time!!

Feels like absolutely ages ago that I was last mentioning that I am off on holiday.  Well tomorrow I'm heading off on what is probably going to feel like a ridiculously long flight to Mexico, for a fortnight of rest, relaxation, reading and reviewing...

So all the R's and also the Sun, Sea, Swimming etc.. so all the S's too of a top holiday!! 

As long as its warmer than Fuerteventura was last year, and I don't pick up some sort of flu/cold type bug for part of the holiday, I will definitely think its a success.    

I'm staying at this gorgeous looking hotel in Nueva Vallarta, and really intending to make a dent in my review stack that feels like it has been neglected recently.   If you follow me on twitter and facebook I will try to up some photos through wifi, if I can. 

I am taking a few paperbacks away with me, but I manage to pack them before I took a photo, so never mind!! Other than those, I am hoping to make a dent on my various review books since my trusty blue tooth keyboard is proving to be one of the best things I've bought in the past year or so. 

Hopefully once I'm back I will let you know what I read and when the reviews will be up, they are most likely going to be dotted about my blog over the next five months, as I do have some May 2019 releases that may just end up being read while I have the time!! 

So I'm going to share with you the scary things that are my Netgalley shelves, so you can help me decide what to read.  If there are any of these you think I should have already read, really should read, or are curious about yourself, then please let me know. 

Page 1 of my Current Shelf!

Page 2 of my Current Shelf! 

And now onto the books that I've had sitting on my Netgalley and review stack for over 3 months,.. there are more of these than I typically want there to be!!

Page 1 of the Older Shelf
Page 2 of the Older Shelf

If you know I'm missing out on a gem of a read from these books, please do let me know.  I almost never have any ideas how to pick books and may just be selecting randomly from the Netgalley collection on my kindle each time.. or I may look at any suggestions and read them!! 

And authors... if your book is on here, I'm very sorry I haven't read it yet, and I will try to get to it this decade!! 

All that is left for me to say is Have A Very Merry Christmas, and hope 2019 is full of book goodies for you all.   Oh and if you are about on Christmas Eve, I have a review of a rather Christmassy book for you then! If not see you in 2019...unless I post before! 


  1. The Cressida McLaughlin book is lovely, I highly recommend it

  2. Cressida's book The House of Birds and Butterflies in on my list too, as is Lisa Dickenson's My sisters and Me. Happy reading and happy holiday x

  3. I need not say any more than Carol Wyer! x
