
Sunday 15 December 2019

Merry Christmas Everyone - I'm off to Mexico!!

With 10 days to go, until the big day, I would like to take this opportunity to wish every last one of my readers. authors that I love and publishers that kindly let me review their books, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.   

I though am even more excited about tomorrow morning, when I get to fly to Mexico, for two weeks of sun, relaxation, and reading.  

For those of you with good memories, will recall I was in Mexico last Christmas, unfortunately I wasn't able to book the same hotel, as no UK Airline seemed to be flying to that coast this winter, at least not from London  so I'm flying to Cancun and staying in this utterly gorgeous looking hotel in Playa Del Carmen. 

For those of you who love seeing my holiday photos on Facebook and Twitter (when I remember), I'm sure I will be posting some, but realistically my only aims for this holiday are to sleep (in the shade), read, and generally relax and do not much, while being outside all day, plus watching the evening entertainment and seeing how Santa arrives.  Last year he arrived at that hotel by parasail so really am hoping for flying reindeer this year!! 

I do still have one more review going live while I'm away, on Wednesday to please check back for the most aptly named book I could put on a date that is only 7 days til the big day!! 

In Madeira in August I somehow read 36 books in the two weeks, which is a new record for me, and frankly if I ever replicate that I would be utterly shocked, I think I must have been a reading machine!! But you never know.  How many books do you typically read on a holiday?

My review TBR is at around 82 books currently and I would dearly love to make a dent in it.  I'm sure you will agree though that the more choice you have, the harder it is to decide what to read next as you know you want to read them all, but how do you pick. 

Well yet again, I'm going to share with you the Netgalley portion of my review list, and ask for your suggestions of which ones I need to read, which of the 2020 releases you are looking forward to most, and generally arghh... what on earth do I read on the plane tomorrow to set my holiday off on the right reading foot! 

For some completely illogical reason only known to me that I can't really explain other than it seemed like a good idea while I was making the graphics, I decided to split the Netgalley list into graphics grouped by publisher this time around.  

Hopefully with less books per graphic if I come back to this post while I'm away, which I tend to do, to look at the lovely comments and suggestions,  I may spot ones that I forgot I had but then remember desperately wanting to read them.

Or I may just pick all books randomly all holiday alternating between my newly formed kindle collections for 2019 and 2020, while panicking that I'll never read enough of these to ever make a sizeable dent!! 

Ah well enough rambling, as I say however you are spending this holiday period no matter what you are celebrating, or just trying to survive through, I hope it goes incredibly well for you.  Remember to lose yourself into a book and let's hope 2020 is the start of a fabulous new decade! 

And here is the Review TBR - all suggestions and comments on anything in this post would be greatly appreciated. I may not get a chance to reply to everything but I promise I do read them all with a smile. 

And a quick note to the publishers, I do greatly appreciate every opportunity to read these books, please do keep approving me and I will get to these as soon as I can, or when I shut my eyes and stab them open on my kindle at random. 


So which publishers do you read the most of? Which of these are books that you think I should drop everything and make sure I read next? Which of these are you curious about and would like to see a review of?


  1. I loved The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley, so I think The Guest List should definitely be one of your holiday reads. I tend to average at a book a day on holiday - it's a great time to blitz that NetGalley list! Have a lovely holiday and a happy Christmas xx

    1. Makes sense to me, I've not read anything by Lucy Foley but there is something about The Guest List that is drawing me to it... then again have you seen how many thrillers I seem to have picked up with beaches / parties in them. I'm clearly trying to ruin all good things!!

      Merry Christmas!

  2. Something to live for is gorgeous, you'll enjoy it. Roisin Meaney is great too. Have a great holiday x

    1. I really do need to get around to Something to Live For! And I do always enjoy a Roisin Meaney when I remember to read them! Thanks

  3. I'd just read whatever takes your fancy at the time. Have a wonderful holiday and a very happy festive season! Xx

    1. Honestly that is most likely what I'll end up doing. Thanks so much, Happy Festive season Maxine

  4. Have a great time. My record is 14 in 2 weeks but that was before kids. This year I managed 2

  5. Hello! Wow! That’s a lot of books! I noticed how you work with different publishers reading books via them but wondered whether you also support indie authors by reading their books? I am an indie author and also read indie books, most of which are like traditionally published books, in that they are totally amazing, I’d love to have your thoughts...especially as I’ve used your services before and other indies have too! Have a great trip and Merry Christmas.⛄️✨❄️❤️✈️

    1. I do read indie authors too of the books appeal. Makes no difference to me how its published. Got a few that I'm intending to read while I'm away, just for ease focused on my Netgalley shelves for this post. Merry Christmas Soulla

    2. In that case I recommend my own books (all available via Amazon and Kindle) and look forward to seeing them on your TBR list.. Thanks Rachel.😊

  6. Oh, I can’t wait to read what you think about The Dilemma by B A Paris. I loved Bring Me Back and I’m a bit jealous right now, lol.

  7. Have a wonderful holiday. I read at least one a day, sometimes two depending on whether of not I have company. The Dilemma is one I would read, I loved all the BA Paris books I have read.
