
Thursday 8 April 2021

Six?!!! Six?!!! How on earth is Rachel's Random Reads Six already?!

I know I say this every year but I can't believe another year has gone by already, and that my little blog is still going six years on. 

Well Happy Blogiversary to me! 

This is normally where I look back at the past 12 months since I last celebrated, but as I think we all know the world has been struggling big time over the last year, and it has now been over a year since I saw any of my wonderful book friends in person. 

I miss all the various in person book launches, publisher showcases, blogger / author meet ups and all those sorts of things that I really hope will be back at some point toward the end of 2021, as it has been far too long. 

Of course I have watched some great Facebook lives, especially Kim The Bookworm on Tuesday evenings, Miranda Dickinson on Wednesday evenings, the One More Chapter weekly with their authors and also Boldwood Books to name a few of the more regular ones that have helped me at least see familiar faces through a screen and given me a reason to stop working like a maniac for an hour here and there. 

I am though even more grateful than usual to books and book blogging, for in a world which is so far from normal at the moment its painful, this is something I've been able to do consistently throughout lockdown. With the magic of books I'm at least able to travel virtually from my armchair all over the world and my reliance on pure escapism is at an all time high.

And of course its thanks to my blog that I have been happily working for 3 and a half years now at Rachel's Random Resources, my very own blog tour organising business that is going from strength to strength.  I'm very aware I'm one of the lucky ones that already was happy working from home, and in a business that has kept going throughout the pandemic.  To those of you on furlough, or have lost your jobs over the last year especially, my heart goes out to you, but remember a good book will be able to give your mind a rest from your worries for a few hours at least. 

Many thanks as ever to Laura Bambrey for persuading me to become a blogger all those years ago, and congratulations on the release of your own debut novel - The Beginners Guide to Lonliness in the past year too.   A massive thank you to the RNA for the nomination last year for Media Star of the year, for the third year running.  I really appreciate it, but Julie Morris from A Little Book Problem is a very worthy winner. 

And of course a massive thank you to my friends, especially Anne Cater, who have kept me going over the past year, let's raise a glass to being able to meet up again in person as soon as its safe to do so.  I need hugs, and human contact, and possibly some Baileys too, but white wine will work as well that tends to be what's at bookish gatherings! 

Last but by no means least thank you to anyone who has ever read my blog, supplied me a book to review, shared my posts, put up with my ramblings, and or just generally been any support to me. Without you all, there is no way I'd be celebrating my 6th Book Birthday and I'm very grateful. 

And to borrow a last paragraph from last year, but it is still relevant today.... although if things haven't changed by this time next year, then I won't post it again and I'll stop jinxing us all. 

I have everything crossed that by the time I write this post next year, that the world has gone back to something resembling normal, that we are allowed some free movement again, that independent bookshops have survived the crisis, that all the publishers are still publishing, authors are still writing and above all readers are still reading to escape the real world we live in.

Thank you for being you - and above all please please stay safe (and have the vaccine if you are able to, despite my side effects it really is still better than having full blown Covid, and this is coming from someone who knows). 


  1. Many congratulations Rachel, and thank you so much for your support. The blog tour you organised was amazing, I can't thank you enough.thank you so much xx

    1. Thank you so much Mary. So glad you enjoyed the tour and hope you enjoy the next one too.

  2. Happy Blog Birthday my dear friend!

  3. Happy blog birthday lovely lady

  4. Happy blog birthday Rachel - I'm six too! Here's to many more years of escapism through books and hopefully some real life escapism sometime soon too.

    1. Happy 6th Blogiversary to you too! would love some real life escapism this year.

  5. Happy blog birthday Rachel - happy reading

    1. Thanks so much Karen, and Happy Reading to you too.

  6. You are just brilliant - I'm sure everything will keep going from strength to strength xxx

  7. Congrats, I'm proud of you and for you!

  8. Congratulations and thanks again for organising my blog tour, Rachel!

  9. Congratulations Rachel - and thanks for all your hard work xx
    Sam T

  10. It’s been quite a year! Lots of lemons thrown at us all but we have made lemonade. We’ve enough lemonade now so let’s hope we can get back to normal for your 7th blogiversary.

  11. Happy blog birthday, Rachel, and thanks for your celebratory and hopeful words. Those six years have flown by, you've read and reviewed so many books, and run so many awesome tours! Here's to the next six! Big love, and thank you, Jane xx
