
Friday 26 July 2024

Book Review - Gone.... But Where? by M. A. Comley

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Title: Gone... But Where?
Author: M. A. Comley
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Author supplied copy
Publisher: Jeamel Publishing Limited
Publication Date: 18th July 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Could a parent’s murky past be the key to a teenager’s disappearance?

Teenager, Sophie Todd, has been reported missing, but she’s no ordinary teenager, she happens to be the daughter of local MP, Ray Todd.

With such a high-profile case to solve, it’s not long before DI Sara Ramsey and her team feel the walls closing in on them.

The stakes are raised even higher when yet another teenager goes missing from the same school.

Who is abducting the teenagers and what could their sinister motives be?

Sara and her team are put under intense pressure from the media and the MP to find the teenagers before something far more serious happens to them, but the clock is ticking.

It's amazing just how talented M. A. Comley is, at managing to keep a series which is on its 24th book already, still feel fresh. 

For that is exactly what she has done in this book, which Sara and her team having a different sort of case to solve.  And just for once at least initially it doesn't involve a dead body! 

It's a case of a missing teenager, who just happens to be the daughter of the local MP that has disappeared.  And there is a complete lack  of evidence, or real theories as to what may have happened or who might be behind it. 

I really felt for Sara during this and as it can't be good having a politician hounding you every couple of hours when you are trying to your best for them. He seems to undermine her and it really frustrated me. 

I was incredibly interested in this case and trying to see if I could figure it out before Sara. And it was good to see more of her and Carla's personal lives too. 

This was addictive and I couldn't read it fast enough. Another cracking addition to this series. 

Thank you to the author for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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