
Friday 19 July 2024

Book Review - I'm Her Mother by Lauren North

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Title: I'm Her Mother
Author: Lauren North
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Bookouture
Publication Date: 18th July 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

We both say she’s our daughter. But one of us is lying…

My little girl Lola is my whole world. Three years old and so beautiful – all golden curls and dimpled cheeks.

But on our way home from holiday she was stolen, whisked away in the blink of an eye.

I can’t breathe without Lola. I don’t know how to get her back.

The woman who has my daughter is on the run. And she has no intention of bringing Lola home. Because she says she’s her mother.

But that’s impossible, because I’m Lola’s mother.

Though really, I should have known my secrets would come back to haunt me. That this day was always going to come…

Two women claim that Lola belongs to them. Two women with something to hide. Only one is telling the whole truth… Who will you believe?

Wow, wowsers, just wow! Not other words needed.  Just go buy and read this book and then tell me you don't agree! 

My mind is blown. 

Literally been sitting here for a couple of hours trying to think of words, but it's impossible. Anything I say might be taken as a spoiler which I wouldn't want to do. 

I definitely didn't see anything coming, 

I equally could barely stop reading it, to the extent that I not only was reading on the tube, but in the cab office and then in the cab ride home, all totally fed up that I kept having to move from one to the other while I was so so close to the end, and just wanting to see what would happen next. 

Was never fully sure who to believe, but both of leading ladies stories are totally compelling.   And I kept on gasping out loud. 

Definitely Lauren North's best book, even though I've loved them all, this one just wow.

Basically I loved it, was addicted, and you really do need to read it for yourself! And trust no one! 

Thank you to Bookouture and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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