
Thursday 19 September 2024

Book Review - Frozen In Time by M A Comley

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Title: Frozen In Time
Author: M A Comley
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Author Supplied copy
Publisher: Jeamel Publishing Limited
Publication Date: 19th September 2024 
Rating: 5 Stars

After a weekend away, supply teacher, Elijah Abagun, returns home to find a ghastly odour permeating his house. Elijah calls on his builder friend, Dick, to help locate the source of the stench. However, what they finally uncover will unfortunately change their lives forever.

Within days, DI Sally Parker is summoned to a beauty spot by the local pathologist after a man’s body is discovered in suspicious circumstances.

With a lengthy suspect list to sift through, the challenges ahead of Sally and her team are endless, leaving them to wonder if the evidence they've uncovered in this cold case investigation will ever lead to the devious murderer.

If you have been reading my blog for while you can probably guess what I'm going to say in this review as I think by now it might be a bit obvious that I'm a massive M A Comley fan. 

And this was once again another brilliant book, where we have a situation that I don't think I've seen before in any of the books I've ready. 

For this one features a body that had been frozen for a few years, before being dumped in the woodland, and the people that found the body and panicked and dumped it are not the reason for the body existing in the first place. 

Which made the investigation for Sally and Lorne a whole deal more complicated for them and interesting for the reader. 

I whizzed through this book and couldn't get enough of it. It was brilliant and always amazes me how fresh this author can make a long running series feel.  Once again my mind is boggled by the case, the imagination of the author and the deviousness of the murderer. 

Thank you to the author for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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