
Tuesday 28 May 2024

Book Review - Annie in Paris by Carmen Reid

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Title: Annie in Paris
Author: Carmen Reid
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Publication Date: 30th April 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Personal shopper Annie Valentine is back! Older and bolder!

Fashion guru Annie is struggling to cope with her hectic life. With the demands of two older children, plus four-year-old twins, her marriage to Ed is in a romance-free rut and she’s clinging by a couture thread to her job as the nation’s favourite fashion fixer.

And where is Svetlana, her multi-millionaire friend, when Annie needs her? Busy with an expensive mid-life crisis, that's where!

When Ed gets the chance to teach in Paris, Annie thinks time apart could be the answer. Wrong!

In Paris, Ed transforms into a debonair silver fox, attracting the attentions of stylish siren Sylvie.

Annie can’t lose her man or the job she loves, so bundling her bags, her babies and a reluctant Svetlana onto the Eurostar, she sets off to the rescue. But can the City of Love deliver the ooh la la that her marriage, and her fashion series, so desperately needs?

Another brilliant laugh out loud emotional read, perfect for fans of Fiona Gibson, Tracy Bloom and Sophie Ranald!

There are absolutely no words to describe just how ecstatic I was to see this book announced, but also slightly apprehensive.  After all it has been more years than I can count, since the last new book in this series was released and although I know I love it, I was concerned I may not remember much. 

But those fears were allayed within moments of opening the book and cheering loudly that there was a full character list and small bit of info about each of them.  Which allowed my poor head all it needed to remember more than enough, and to feel right at home from the first few pages. 

And given the prologue opened with a classic Annie Valentine chaotic moment,  I knew I was going to love it and be totally happy reading this. 

It was so great to be back in Annie Valentine's world. although I was concerned that things didn't seem as hunky dory as normal with her and Ed.  It was fabulous catching up with Owen, who we have seen grow up over the series, and her four year old twins are amusing. 

Things aren't totally smooth in the Annie and Svetlana friendship either, but we get to have whole chapters from Svetlana, and I feel I know her a whole lot more just from this one book, than I have done previously. We are treated to a lot of her background, and its wonderful to read. 

Once Annie is in Paris, the book ramps up the comedy and fun, and besides learning a lot of Parisian fashion, and I was completely entranced by the story. I was loving every single second of it.. ok perhaps love is not quite the right word for one instance of Annie's rather iffy parenting, but even that felt very in keeping with her character! 

This was like greeting an old friend and picking up exactly where you have left off, even after a considerable amount of time has passed.  It is brilliant, I'm over the moon that this series is back and is having a resurgence in popularity too, and above all... please please please please please, can we have some more! 

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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