
Monday 27 May 2024

Book Review - Falling For You by Debbie Johnson - #HolidayReading Cruise

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Title: Falling For You
Author: Debbie Johnson
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Orion
Publication Date: 25th May 2023 
Rating: 5 Stars

Sometimes it takes life falling apart...
... to piece yourself back together!

Single mum Jenny's life is turned upside-down (quite literally) when her beloved cottage on the Norfolk coast falls off a cliff. And so, with the storm raging on, Jenny and her eighteen-year-old son Charlie are forced to take refuge in her neighbour, Luke's, cosy campervan.

It's a tight squeeze for the three of them - and Luke's adorable dachshund, Betty - but somehow they make it work. And when far-too-handsome Luke suggests a spontaneous road trip around England, it ignites a desire for adventure in Jenny she thought long extinguished!

And soon she begins to wonder whether losing everything might just have been the best thing that ever happened to her...

I must say that of all the various reasons a main character may start off a book essentially homeless and needing to start life again - that your house falling off the side of a cliff, is certainly one of the more original I've seen. 

And it means that Jenny and Charlies lives are turned upside down. 

I loved the way they responded to this, and when Jenny also is made redundant she starts considering a whole new way of life. 

Inspired by neighbour Luke who travels around the UK in a motorhome and kindly offers to take Jenny and Charlie with him. 

I loved their quirky journey up and down the UK, with places chosen at random and interesting routes and stops found. 

And its really a journey of self discovery for all of the characters, as they adjust, and I loved seeing it all unfold. 

Plus add in Betty their four legged friend, and we have fun and frolics.  Such an enjoyable book.  I loved it. 

Thank you to Orion and Netgalley  for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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