Tuesday 25 June 2024

Book Review - The Sunshine Sisters: Aurora by Rosie Green

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Title: The Sunshine Sisters: Aurora
Author: Rosie Green
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Author Supplied Copy 
Publisher: Self Published
Publication Date: 19th February 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

The start of an exciting new trilogy (within the Little Duck Pond Café series) about three sisters struggling to get past the events of their childhood.

When middle sister Aurora (Rori) escaped a bad relationship and fled to Sunnybrook, she was crossing her fingers for a brand new start. Meeting the gorgeous Kurt has put some sparkle back in her life. But now the past has come back to haunt her. Scary things keep happening and it's becoming impossible to know who she can trust. Someone wants to keep her in fear, but where and how will it all end?

With the help of her new friends at the Little Duck Pond Café, can Rori solve the mystery before it's too late?

I always love delving into a new Little Duck Pond Cafe book and was very curious to see just what the first book of Rosie Green's new  sub trilogy would be like. 

Well in one word....


The Sunshine sisters are Skye, Blossom and Aurora (Rori), all of whom have a very different relationship with mother Ada. 

This book focuses on Rori, who is still trying to recover from a horrible previous relationship, and has no idea who she can trust. 

Including Kurt, the new man she met fairly memorably. 

This felt darker than most of the previous books in the series, which once again shows the author's versatility and skill at writing whatever she turns her hand at. 

I was hooked very early on and couldn't get enough of it. 

Already have started reading the next book in this sub trilogy as it is definitely another worthy addition to this series. 

Thank you to the author for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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