Wednesday 5 June 2024

Book Review - The Vintage Flower Van on Love Heart Lane by Christie Barlow

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Title: The Vintage Flower Van on Love Heart Lane
Author: Christie Barlow
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: One More Chapter
Publication Date: 23rd May 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

The race to save the vintage flower van is on!

Flowers are Florrie Appleton’s life, so when her beloved Aunt Ada passes, and she’s swiftly issued with an eviction notice and told to vacate Rose Cottage, shutter her Vintage Flower Van business, and leave behind Ada’s gorgeous gardens, she’s devastated.

But Florrie is not one to go down without a fight, even if the developer she’s taking on is run by Tom Houston, the man who broke her heart at uni all those years ago.

Tom may have had the upper hand then, but Florrie has the whole of Heartcross behind her now, and as history has shown, there’s nothing this tiny Scottish hamlet can’t accomplish when they band together…

Love Heart Lane – where friends are there for you no matter what

It's the end of an era, at least that is what it feels like, when a long running favourite series finishes. 

But wow Christie Barlow is going out in style  Let me just mention that if like me you have been reading every single one of these books, then you have to read the epilogue.  It almost had me in tears on public transport and it was the perfect way to end the series. 

But before that we get Florrie's story, which is also her aunt Ada's story, and is a timeless classic of fighting for what is right, in this instance to save her cottage and the Vintage Flower Van from developers. 

Heartcross is all about of Community and once again they rally round, and Florrie's ideas are great. And it is true that once you have visited Heartcross you won't want to leave, which is why it feels so painful that this series is over, as the location is an absolute favourite. 

This is such a heart warming hug in a book, that let's us get to know more about a few of the town's long standing residents. 

And since Isla is Florrie's best friend I welcomed a proper catch up with her too.  After all the residents all feel like friends or family to me by now.

I think this could almost certainly be read as a standalone but why deny yourself the pleasure of reading the whole series?

It's a joyous story that I couldn't read fast enough, while also really not wanting it to end. 

I'm already looking forward to whatever this favourite author of mine writes next.  

Thank you to One More Chapter and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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