Thursday 1 August 2019

Book Review - Meet Me In Cockleberry Bay by Nicola May

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Title: Meet Me in Cockleberry Bay
Author: Nicola May
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Author supplied copy
Publisher: Self Published
Publication Date: 5th July 2019
Rating: 5 Stars

The cast of the runaway bestseller, The Corner Shop in Cockleberry Bay, are back – including Rosa, Josh, Mary, Jacob, Sheila, new mum Titch and, last but by no means least, Hot, the adorable dachshund.

Newly wed, and with her inherited corner shop successfully up and running, Rosa Smith seems to have all that anyone could wish for. But the course of true love never did run smooth and Rosa’s suspicions that her husband is having an affair have dire consequences.

Reaching rock bottom before she can climb back up to the top, fragile Rosa is forced to face her fears, addiction and jealousy head on.

With a selection of meddling locals still at large, a mystery fire and Titch’s frantic search for the real father of her sick baby, the second book in this enchanting series will take you on a further unpredictable journey of self-discovery.

It was fabulous to be reunited with my favourite little sausage dog Hot, and his owner Rosa, new husband Josh, Titch the best friend, and all the residents of Cockleberry Bay.   

It didn't take me long to feel quite at home again with all these characters and the little town. and there are enough hints as to what happened in book 1 that I believe it should be readable as a standalone.  At any rate it helped me remember elements from the first book which I had recalled loving but couldn't think of the specifics well over a year later. 

Wow there is a lot happening in this book, never a dull moment, but ultimately it is a journey of self discovery for Rosa, who really felt slightly out of control at the start of this book.  I kept willing her to have some self realisation, and I loved the way it all resolved itself. 

I actually can't believe how many threads of stories were weaved into this epic book. I loved every moment of it.  There was high drama, emotion, laughs, secrets, romance, dogs and a whole lot more besides.  It's just rather impressive writing,  

I really felt as though I was alongside all the characters, they just felt so real, and I love how Rosa is a flawed main character.  Always makes a nice change to have realistic characters to get to know and that this book has in abundance.  

And the setting of Cockleberry Bay is lovely, I could really picture the town, and all its inhabitants.  

A worthy sequel to The Corner Shop on Cocklebery Bay and I really hope this isn't the last we will see of the series.  

Thanks you to Nicola May for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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