Friday 26 July 2024

Book Review - Gone.... But Where? by M. A. Comley

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Title: Gone... But Where?
Author: M. A. Comley
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Author supplied copy
Publisher: Jeamel Publishing Limited
Publication Date: 18th July 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Could a parent’s murky past be the key to a teenager’s disappearance?

Teenager, Sophie Todd, has been reported missing, but she’s no ordinary teenager, she happens to be the daughter of local MP, Ray Todd.

With such a high-profile case to solve, it’s not long before DI Sara Ramsey and her team feel the walls closing in on them.

The stakes are raised even higher when yet another teenager goes missing from the same school.

Who is abducting the teenagers and what could their sinister motives be?

Sara and her team are put under intense pressure from the media and the MP to find the teenagers before something far more serious happens to them, but the clock is ticking.

It's amazing just how talented M. A. Comley is, at managing to keep a series which is on its 24th book already, still feel fresh. 

For that is exactly what she has done in this book, which Sara and her team having a different sort of case to solve.  And just for once at least initially it doesn't involve a dead body! 

It's a case of a missing teenager, who just happens to be the daughter of the local MP that has disappeared.  And there is a complete lack  of evidence, or real theories as to what may have happened or who might be behind it. 

I really felt for Sara during this and as it can't be good having a politician hounding you every couple of hours when you are trying to your best for them. He seems to undermine her and it really frustrated me. 

I was incredibly interested in this case and trying to see if I could figure it out before Sara. And it was good to see more of her and Carla's personal lives too. 

This was addictive and I couldn't read it fast enough. Another cracking addition to this series. 

Thank you to the author for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Thursday 25 July 2024

Book Review - Out of Office by A. H. Cunningham

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Amazon UK

Title: Out of Office
Author: A. H. Cunningham
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Mills and Boon Afterglow
Publication Date: 23rd May 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

'[A] dreamy vacation romp.' Today

More than just a holiday romance…

Genevieve Raymond is a workaholic. And after opening a hot new hotel chain location in Panama, she’s on track for a big promotion. But first, she needs a break.

For two weeks, Gen is set to explore beautiful beaches, shimmering waters, and the scorching-hot attraction she shares with her driver, Adrián Nicolas.

After a family tragedy, Adrián refuses to prioritise his work over his life. And Gen can’t help but envy Adrián’s laid-back devotion to his family’s hometown hostel.

But when their holiday fling flourishes beyond sunsets and spice, Gen finds herself questioning the path laid in front of her. With continents between them, a real relationship doesn’t feel possible. Unless they can find the courage to take a chance on life…and love.

Feeling hot, Hot, HOT! 

This book is sizzling! 

The chemistry you could feel from here, it was so strong. 

And the sex...woah that's steamy! 

Add in the fact that most of the book was set in Panama, a beautiful country that I rarely see, if ever in fiction, and a black main character interested in black culture and history of the locations she is visiting, and some LGBT characters too and you have a very exotic and diverse book. 

That is incredibly pleasurable to read, just possibly not in public. 

There is more than just the physical between the leads, and there are some topics that are raised, that are relatable, as well as very relevant to modern day tourism. 

I loved getting to know Gen and Adrian, and also Adrian's family.  I was less keen on Gen's mum but could get where she was coming from. 

It was definitely the gorgeous cover that first caught my attention, but with the way this was written, I know I need to come back for more from this author.  Totally my sort of book! 

Thank you to Mills and Boon and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Book Review - Unorthodox Love by Heidi Shertok

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Amazon UK

Title: Unorthodox Love
Author: Heidi Shertok
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Embla Books
Publication Date: 6th June 2023
Rating: 5 Stars

Maybe G-d was distracted the day He assigned soulmates, and accidentally skipped me. Or maybe I was the distracted one, backstroking through the clouds and making dead people jokes, and totally forgot to get in line. Yeah, that must've been it.

Penina has grown up believing the Orthodox Jewish teaching that there is one soulmate out there for everyone. But now she's twenty-nine and single, she's starting to wonder if she's the exception.

She has tried everything to find 'the one' and after yet another disastrous date, she can feel even her faith starting to dwindle.

Add to that spending her days surrounded by diamond engagement rings in the jewellery store where she works and her new boss, Sam Kleinfeld, making her life a living hell, and Penina feels more hopeless than ever.

Until she meets Zevi, a handsome, successful, Orthodox singleton just like her. Who has a rather unusual proposal. Could Penina be about to get everything she's ever wanted?

But then there's Sam, her very non-Orthodox, pain of a boss, who she just can't stop thinking about... Penina has always followed the rules. But will finally getting a chance at true love mean she needs to break some?

A laugh-out-loud romantic comedy, perfect for fans of Ali Hazelwood, Sophie Kinsella and Emily Henry.

Oh this was brilliant. 

There was so much I could relate to, although I'm not orthodox, there was plenty in this that definitely did resonate with me. 

There are two possible paths that Penina could take in this story, and I was never completely sure whether she would choose duty to her family, or her heart - and with those came two rather fabulous men! 

This is after loads of completely rubbish dates that led Penina to have no hope for her future.  Add in changes at the Jewelry store where she works, and we have a character that has a lot of decisions to make in all elements of her life. 

Penina's father almost reminded me of the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, different religion sure, but certainly some similar personality traits.   Penina's sisters were brilliant, one married with more children I could possibly count (I think it was five) and then her younger sister is completely independent and I loved some of her opinions.

Penina seems to be the bane of her matchmaker's existence, and some of the potential matches have been totally dire, which adds to the humour of the book. 

I loved Sam from the moment I met him, but same with Zevi. 

This was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed reading it. 

Would love to read more from this author in the future. 

Thank you to Embla Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Book Review - Do Me A Favor by Cathy Yardley

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Title: Do Me A Favor
Author: Cathy Yardley
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Montlake
Publication Date: 23rd July 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Cathy Yardley, author of Role Playing, serves up a delectable rom-com about a widowed cookbook writer and a divorced handyman who find that it’s never too late for a fresh start.

Willa Lieu-Endicott moved from California to the Pacific Northwest to start over. Since her husband’s death, she’s been struggling to get back her old career as a cookbook ghostwriter. Unfortunately, her latest project—ghostwriting for a viral cooking sensation known more for his washboard abs than his meals—has her stuck.

Until she meets her new neighbor.

Hudson Clark, the handyman next door, lives on a farm with his parents and two adult children. He’s the opposite of everything she’s ever known. His happily chaotic life includes biker barbecues, an escape artist dog, and adorably menacing goats. He’s also got a sinfully sexy smile and a rumbling bass voice that makes her shiver. He inspires her.

From their first meeting, the two fall into an escalating cycle of favors, paybacks…and attraction, even though Willa’s trying to keep her distance.

They both have their own pasts to deal with. Now, they just have to figure out if they have a future.

I absolutely adored this book and couldn't get enough of it, it was just so readable.

I totally fell in love with Hudson, the handyman next door, a guy who knows he looks good, but also is determined to treat a woman right. He puts others happiness ahead of his own, and I fell further for him, pretty much with every action, or any time time he spoke. 

Willa on the other hand took me a while to fully gel with, but it was clear from the first chapter that she likes dogs, which definitely helped, and I absolutely loved the idea of her being a ghost writer of cookery books, with her latest commission being for someone who just prances about in his videos looking sexy with food. 

She however doesn't overly feel sexy herself, and inspiration is lacking, until she gets to know Hudson a bit better, as the heat between them palpable from the first instance. And wow there are some fabulous scenes late in the book. 

In fact there are some other great scenes early on, including the incredibly smart way the Willa is able to put people in their place, without even raising her voice. Oh and the first time she meets Hudson's family's goats, is brilliant! 

There was a lot for me to love in this book, and I really did, and for me this small island town setting, in the Pacific Northwest was really refreshing in a book, I don't think I've read much set there, and totally loved the vibes I was getting of the island and it's community. 

This is now the second book I've read from this author and given how  much I have enjoyed both of them, I feel like I will continue to seek her out in the future. 

Thank you to Montlake and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed voluntarily and honestly. 

Monday 22 July 2024

Book Review - Game, Set, Match by Heidi Stephens

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Title: Game, Set, Match
Author: Heidi Stephens
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Headline Accent
Publication Date: 22nd June 2023
Rating: 4 Stars


Hannah has been married to Graham since they were eighteen - a union of desperation to escape their strict families. He's the only man she's ever kissed and honestly, she's not sure he's any good at it. But fourteen years of washing his underwear is more than enough to kill the romance.

Well, that and the fact that he's got a work colleague pregnant.

Hannah's new-found freedom is an opportunity to finally put herself first, and a trip to Spain sounds like the perfect start. Yes, it might be with three near strangers, but it's also a chance to play tennis every day under the Spanish sun, before heading off on a solo road trip and starting the next phase of her life.

Then Hannah meets Rob, who has kissed ALL the women and is 100% not her type. And besides, she's really not looking for love right now. But if there's one thing Hannah knows about tennis, it's that sometimes taking a risk can pay off - and when you fault on your first serve, you get a second chance.

Escape to the Spanish hills in this completely gorgeous and delicious romantic comedy that will have you snorting with laughter. If you love Catherine Walsh, Laura Jane Williams and Sophie Ranald, you won't want to miss this!

What a fabulous mix of tennis and armchair travel to Spain, complete with some clear sexual chemistry between our leads. 

Hannah is an interesting woman, especially with regards her upbringing and definitely the best thing she has done in her life is demand a divorce from her husband and then agree to take a trip to Spain with some new friends, to play a lot of tennis. 

Rob is a new tennis coach at Club Colina, and he seemed like a really nice guy, compared to the utterly painful to read about other coaches who have a bingo card of women to tick off for the season! 

Rob and Hannah hit it off instantly but Hannah really isn't sure what she is feeling, and Rob isn't looking for anything serious. And then after Hannah's week of Tennis coaching she intends to go off on a road trip and it is one that changes her a lot, and one that was brilliant to read. 

Although there is tennis present in the book, if you don't know the sport that well, don't worry, it's not too top heavy, and doesn't require much knowledge of the scoring system of anything to enjoy what is going on.  As a sports lover though it was, what drew me to the book and why I decided to read it while it was Wimbledon season! 

I loved delving into Hannah's family, and getting to know her new friends. Also really enjoyed getting to know Rob and all sides of his personality. 

It was a highly enjoyable story that I couldn't get enough of.  This is the second book I've read from this author and I really do need to read more. 

Thank you to Headline Accent and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Friday 19 July 2024

Book Review - I'm Her Mother by Lauren North

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Amazon UK

Title: I'm Her Mother
Author: Lauren North
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Bookouture
Publication Date: 18th July 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

We both say she’s our daughter. But one of us is lying…

My little girl Lola is my whole world. Three years old and so beautiful – all golden curls and dimpled cheeks.

But on our way home from holiday she was stolen, whisked away in the blink of an eye.

I can’t breathe without Lola. I don’t know how to get her back.

The woman who has my daughter is on the run. And she has no intention of bringing Lola home. Because she says she’s her mother.

But that’s impossible, because I’m Lola’s mother.

Though really, I should have known my secrets would come back to haunt me. That this day was always going to come…

Two women claim that Lola belongs to them. Two women with something to hide. Only one is telling the whole truth… Who will you believe?

Wow, wowsers, just wow! Not other words needed.  Just go buy and read this book and then tell me you don't agree! 

My mind is blown. 

Literally been sitting here for a couple of hours trying to think of words, but it's impossible. Anything I say might be taken as a spoiler which I wouldn't want to do. 

I definitely didn't see anything coming, 

I equally could barely stop reading it, to the extent that I not only was reading on the tube, but in the cab office and then in the cab ride home, all totally fed up that I kept having to move from one to the other while I was so so close to the end, and just wanting to see what would happen next. 

Was never fully sure who to believe, but both of leading ladies stories are totally compelling.   And I kept on gasping out loud. 

Definitely Lauren North's best book, even though I've loved them all, this one just wow.

Basically I loved it, was addicted, and you really do need to read it for yourself! And trust no one! 

Thank you to Bookouture and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Thursday 18 July 2024

Book Review - The Escape Room by L. D. Smithson

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Title: The Escape Room
Author: L. D. Smithson
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Transworld Digital
Publication Date: 29th February 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Eight contestants. One killer. Can you find the traitor?

Everything is a clue.
Bonnie arrives on a remote sea fort off the coast of England to take part in a mysterious reality TV show. Competing against seven strangers, she must solve a series of puzzles to win the prize money, but this is no game - and the consequences of failure are deadly.

No one leaves.
Under scrutiny from the watching public, the contestants quickly turn on one another. Who will sacrifice the most for wealth and fame? And why can't Bonnie shake the creeping sense that they are not alone?

The only way out is to win.
When the first contestant is found dead, Bonnie begins to understand the dark truth at the heart of this twisted competition: there's a killer inside the fort, and anyone could be next. If Bonnie wants to escape, she needs to win...

Are you ready to play?


Those are currently a few of the words going around in my head having just finished reading The Escape Room. 

Other thoughts include - "I didn't see that coming",  "I'd have never have guessed that ending", "reality TV in a psychological thriller is always a great mix for me, and one set on a remote fort in the Solent, and just wow". 

Easily one of the best books I've read for a while, this was totally amazing. I loved the amount of thought and detail that had gone into creating the setting, and all of the various riddles, ciphers and puzzles.  I think had I been taking part, that there is no way I would have ever survived. 

It was so cleverly crafted, by what I believe to be an incredibly twisted but intelligent mind.  I found myself constantly reaching for the book to read more and more. 

I was hooked and I needed to know how it would all turn out. 

If you only read one psychological thriller this year, make it this one. It's stupendous. 

Thank you to Transworld and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Book Review - It's Getting Hot in Here by Jane Costello

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Amazon UK

Title: It's Getting Hot in Here
Author: Jane Costello
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Publication Date: 18th July 2024
Rating: 5 Stars


Lisa Darling - high-flying TV-exec and twice-divorced mother-of-two - has enough on her plate without having to deal with the handsome New Yorker parachuted in to her best friend's job at work.

She's already navigating life with a grotty teenage son, organising a PTA cheese & wine event, supporting her oldest friend through breast cancer treatment and, since she hit 47, facing a new perimenopause symptom every day. It's no wonder she never has time for Pilates or that DIY panelling she keeps seeing on Instagram (though she'd be the first to admit she'd rather share a bottle of wine with her friends any day).

So when Lisa starts feeling overheated every time she clashes with Zach Russo, she convinces herself it will pass. Maybe her HRT just needs adjusting. Until, that is, she finds herself in a sexy - and seriously ill-advised - clinch with him. And then another . .

All of which leads to one question: these long-forgotten feelings couldn't be caused by something else entirely . . . could they?

Fun, frank and fabulous, Lisa Darling is the romantic comedy heroine we've ALL been waiting for!

I gasped and then jumped for joy when I discovered that there was after a long long wait, a brand new Jane Costello novel available. 

And having just devoured it I'm very happy to say she hasn't lost her touch, her writing is still as fabulous and enjoyable as I've always found it, and this is a book that had me giggling out loud from the end of the first chapter.  I also felt right at home within the pages of this book within the first few pages, which always helps my enjoyment. 

It's just brilliant, a look at motherhood, menopause, juggling work and family, friends, the insanity that is the PTA and well an incredibly good looking new colleague, who is only there for a short while, and those are just some of what is covered in this. 

Lisa Darling is a fabulous new character, she has regular to do lists, of which there are some items that literally never ever ever, leave it, seems slightly obsessed with socks (or at least there is far more mentions of socks than I can recall in other books), she has a million and one apps on her phone to in theory streamline and improve her life - if only there weren't constant notifications for them all and she is mother to Jacob and Leo. 

Leo is a typical teenage boy, and appears to be turning into an unrecognisable monster of a thing  by the day - so I suspect many parents of teenage boys will totally relate to this.  And Jacob is 10 years old and loves joining clubs, and seems to have new interests continually.  I loved Jacob! 

I loved Lisa's job working in a streaming service and coming up with new programme ideas, and her colleagues suggestions for shows at times bordered on the bizarre - so probably would be very watchable! 

She is a single mother who has totally sworn off men, so naturally she is attracted to her best friend and colleague's temporary replacement, although she is convinced it's due to HRT rather than lust! And I loved the interactions between her and Zach Russo. 

There is just so much going on this, with plenty of sub plots and action to keep you enthralled the entire time. 

It's a joyous romantic comedy, from one of my auto-read (without looking at the blurb) authors, and I just really hope we don't have so long to wait until her next book. I'd also love a sequel, as I was enjoying these characters so so much. 

Just brilliant, and relatable, and entertaining and many other superlatives! 

Thank you to Hodder & Stoughton and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Book Review - Murder on the Italian Riviera by T. A. Williams

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Title: Murder on the Italian Riviera
Author: T. A. Williams
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Publication Date: 2nd May 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

An ex-con…

Private investigator Dan Armstrong is no stranger to working with criminals, but when he’s approached for help by Bianca Moretti, he’s on high alert. Bianca is intelligent and beautiful, and Dan likes her, but he also once sent her to prison…

A suspicious death…

Bianca explains that a guest has been found dead at her father’s luxurious and private retreat on the beautiful Italian Riviera. The police are sure the death is accidental, but Bianca is convinced the man’s been murdered. Dan’s sure he can get to the bottom of things…as long as Bianca is telling him the whole truth.

A very revealing case!

But when Dan arrives at the resort, he's in for a shock. He finds that the place is a naturist retreat, and everybody is walking around stark naked! Dan is determined to discover the truth, but this is going to mean revealing a whole lot more of himself than he expected.

Can Dan sniff out the truth about this case before Oscar's cold wet nose causes havoc?

This is a series that is going from strength to strength, and it's clear that T.A. Williams is having tremendous fun, picking new locations and settings for murders for Dan and Oscar to investigate. 

As this one is set on the Italian Riviera, at a naturist retreat! And yes Dan does end up walking around in the buff!! 

It always amazes me how the Italian police always seem so happy to have Dan's help with whatever case he has also been asked to look into.  As was the case this time. 

This was another really strong addition to the series full of Italian food, funny moments, and a whole host of suspects that I really wasn't sure what to think.  And the dead person turned out to be quite interesting too, 

Oscar was utterly fabulous as always, and is turning into a totally amazing canine detective. as well as seems to have a fabulous ability to completely understand Dan.  

I loved the Italian Riviera setting, always great to move around Italy, and there was a plausible reasons for Dan to take on this case, even though it's quite far away from his home, and I can envisage we will see even more of Italy in upcoming books. 

Basically I loved it. 

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily, 

Monday 15 July 2024

Book Review - On The Edge by Sarah Turner

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Title: On The Edge
Author: Sarah Turner
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Transworld Digital
Publication Date: 4th July 2024
Rating: 4 Stars

Sometimes, in order to move forward, you need to go back.

Joni’s always felt like an outsider in her blended family, and as an adult she’s done all she can to avoid them. The only person she’s remained close to is her beloved Nana.

When Nana dies, she leaves behind something unexpected: an itinerary of pre-arranged activities for the whole family to complete over the course of a week. After years of trying but failing to bring Joni back into the fold, this appears to be Nana’s parting shot. After all, nothing says ‘family bonding’ quite like abseiling and ballroom dancing.

With marriage and kids on the horizon, the life Joni’s always dreamed of is finally within touching distance. The last thing she wants to do is revisit the past.

But Joni’s about to discover that a lot can happen in seven days. Nana’s Week of Fun is about to change everything…

Firstly I must just say that to me the star of this story is Stan.  He's a 7 year old boy that has been adopted by Joni's stepbrother Nick, and is utterly fabulous. 

He is continually trying to find things out for his podcast, can be found listening and occasionally recording to things his ears probably shouldn't hear and as a result all sorts of chaos could occur. He also is really sensitive, and I loved how he started to bond with Joni. 

Joni was essentially emotionally blackmailed into spending a week with her blended family, and she isn't looking forward to it.  Not only that she hates organised activities, and not being in control. 

So a week that includes all of that, along with her nemesis but not with her long term partner for support isn't ideal for her. 

I loved the various activities and once I got the family dynamics straight in my head, I was gripped by this book. I was totally entertained and found myself thinking about the characters when I wasn't reading, which is always the sign of a good book. 

There are all manner of surprises in store for the characters, and I just found this to be really entertaining. 

A really enjoyable book to read, with a great cast of characters. 

Thank you to Transworld Digital and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Thursday 11 July 2024

Book Review - The Typo by Emily Kerr

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Title: The Typo
Author: Emily Kerr
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: One More Chapter
Publication Date: 3rd May 2024
Rating: 4 Stars

One typo. Two complete strangers. Ten thousand miles between them…

Amy and Cameron have never met. But when Amy receives an email meant for Cameron, their lives entwine in ways they could never have imagined.

Cameron lives a life of adventure as he navigates an expedition around Antarctica whilst Amy’s life is firmly on solid ground in Edinburgh.

As their connection grows, Amy finds herself asking; is it possible to fall in love with someone you’ve never met?

Amazing how one typo on an email, can lead to completely unexpected consequences. 

For Amy and Cameron have very similar email addresses, and when Amy receives an email clearly not meant for her, she aims to locate the correct recipient, so they don't miss out on a fabulous opportunity.   And in doing so, ends up in a modern day penpals sort of situation. 

As they both continue to email each other, and I was longing for Cameron's next emails especially as I was loving hearing all about Antarctica and his antics on his expedition. 

Meanwhile Amy hasn't been entirely truthful in all of her emails to him, and as their correspondence deepens she starts to regret that and aims to make some of what she has written a reality. 

While at the same time she is also fighting to keep the theatre she works at in business, despite a boss who is frankly a nightmare. 

This is a charming romance, detailing a relationship that is between two people who haven't even met.  It is always good to read a fresh take on a romance novel, and I thoroughly enjoyed this. 

Thank you to One More Chapter and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Book Review - Imposter Syndrome by Joseph Knox

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Amazon UK

Title: Imposter Syndrome
Author: Joseph Knox
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Transworld Digital
Publication Date: 11th July 2024
Rating: 3 Stars

'When you’re living a lie, you find it’s best to avoid close attachments…’

Lynch, a burned out con-artist, arrives, broke, in London, trying not to dwell on the mistakes that got him there. When he bumps into Bobbie, a rehab-bound heiress - and when she briefly mistakes him for her missing brother - Lynch senses the opportunity, as well as the danger…

Bobbie’s brother, Heydon, was a troubled young man. Five years ago, he walked out of the family home and never went back. His car was found parked on a bridge overlooking the Thames, in the early hours of the same morning. Unsettled by Bobbie’s story, and suffering from a rare attack of conscience, Lynch tries to back off.

But when Bobbie leaves for rehab the following day, he finds himself drawn to her luxurious family home, and into a meeting with her mother, the formidable Miranda. Seeing the same resemblance that her daughter did, Miranda proposes she hire Lynch to assume her son’s identity, in a last-ditch effort to try and flush out his killer.

As Lynch begins to impersonate him, dark forces are lured out of the shadows, and he realises too late that Heydon wasn’t paranoid at all. Someone was watching his every move, and they’ll kill to keep it a secret.

For the first time, Lynch is in a life or death situation he can’t lie his way out of.

Well this was the first book I have read from Joseph Knox, and I'm really undecided how I feel about it. 

I absolutely loved the concept of the book, but at times the plot got so so convoluted that I had no idea who I was meant to be believing, or just what on earth was being suggested. 

I finished this a few days before I tried to write this review, and even mulling things over in my mind I'm still confused.  I wasn't totally sure about just about anyone's motivations. 

That being said I liked Lynch. He was honest about being a con man, and he went above and beyond what he was originally asked to do for Bobbie's family. He was determined to find out the truth about what happened to Heydon, a man he looks strikingly similar to, and I commend him for that, especially once it was clear he was putting his life into danger. 

And the dynamics of Bobbie and Heydon's family interested me, but again I just wasn't completely sure who to trust. 

This was slightly unsettling, definitely very readable, and despite the confusion I did think I enjoyed it. I would certainly give the author another go, if another of his titles catches my eye in the future, as I suspect some of my slight issue with this book, was that I was fairly tired while reading which may have affected all of my comprehension at times - either that or it really was fairly convoluted at times.  I'll leave that for you to decide! 

Thank you to Transworld Digital and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 
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