As you may recall, I have been taking pat in Paperback Summer for the past 3 months, in the off chance it will reduce the amount of outstanding paperbacks I have to read. Well without even writing the rest of the post I can categorically say I have definitely got more books now than I did at the start of June.
I have had tremendous luck entering book competitions, and between that and so many "must have" new books being released, I haven't been able to resist.
The other thing that happened over the summer was I was diagnosed with Golfer's elbow and until I was able to start physio, the thought of holding a paperback that was larger than 300 pages scared me as I had very little strength in my right arm.
So how did I do over these three months?...
Books Read |
Books Read |
However being the sort of geek that I am, I really want to know how I did in each of the 3 categories, I displayed in my start of Paperback Summer post.
Category 1 - Awkward sized books, hardbacks and ARCs
Before (9) |
After (18) |
Ooops. well those piles have doubled. This category is basically the books that you can't stack easily so the ones smaller or larger than the average paperback, This was the category I was determined to make inroads into , but with the golfer's elbow they were also the books I least felt like reading.
Category 2 - Purchased Books
Before (14) |
After (17) |
Well I have definitely purchased books and read those ones during this challenge, and with the sheer amount of books that have been released over the last 3 months that I really wanted to read, I'm impressed that there are only a few more of these books than I started with.
Category 3 - Books won in competitions
Before (23) |
After (26) |
Overall I had 46 unread paperbacks at the start of the summer.
At the end of the summer I now have 61 books.
I have a feeling that is the most ever unread paperbacks I have had at one time. Evidently I am now a true book blogger and book maniac, with the amounts of unread physical books that I have had.
I really enjoyed taking part in Paperback summer, even if I hadn't been focused on the paperback reading, then there could have been 80+ unread still probably.
It there are any books in the After photos that you would really like to see reviewed on this blog then please do leave me a comment, and I will try and prioritise them, when I get a chance.
I feel the moral of these three months is that I have to continue to try and read a few paperbacks a week or my house will be covered in them at some point!
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