Tuesday 24 September 2024

Book Review - The Love Algorithm by Camilla Isley

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Title: The Love Algorithm
Author: Camilla Isley
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Publication Date: 26th April 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

He's off limits – but you can't fight physics...

At 28, with a Ph.D under her belt and a meteoric rise to head of Research and Development at Mercer Robotics, Reese feels her decision to put her career first has worked out pretty well for her. Sure, she doesn’t have many personal relationships to speak of, but she does love her team and they like her too.

So when she’s called to the Big Boss’s office and told she will be looking after his son while he does a rotation in her lab, she’s not thrilled that her hard work and achievements have boiled down to being a glorified babysitter – especially to a billionaire playboy with zero experience of mechanical engineering.

But then tall, blond Thomas walks into her office, and Reese realizes this assignment is going to be even harder than she thought. Because the CEO’s son is not only extraordinarily gorgeous, chiseled, and charming… he’s also on course to become her new boss one day, and so extraordinarily out of bounds. As the pair get to know each other, can Reese hold her nerve and her beliefs, or will she fall victim to the billionaire charm?

Easily my favourite character of this book was KP2, who is technically a robot.  A rather intelligent robot that comes across as almost human and my inner geek was thinking I would absolutely love my own droid to keep me company.  

But since that sounds like an expensive dream I probably should mention that I absolutely loved the human main characters too, and was even happier when I realised this was in a series of sorts with two of Camilla Isley's previous books and thus was able to catch up with old friends of characters too. 

I love this author's STEM romances and this was absolutely no exception. I didn't understand half the tech involved, but it sounded really cool and the sort of stuff that I would absolutely love seeing in real life if I didn't have to understand it! 

Oh and Reese is a great leading lady too, she is very career focussed and is like a robotics genius, but has been hurt romantically in the past and isn't sure she trusts her feelings towards Thomas, who she is being expected to babysit, into the role, and that he will ultimately become her head of department. 

Meanwhile Thomas is gorgeous, son of a Billionaire, and has never done a proper days work in his life, but he is stunning and seems genuinely interested in the work that the Mercer Robotics lab is doing. And he definitely has a memorable meet cute with Reese and then it is clear there is some rather hot chemistry sizzling away between them, while they try to do ignore it. 

I loved the little notes, and the big romantic gesture left me with a giant grin on my face.  This is just the sort of book that this author does best, and I loved every word of it.  Definitely my sort of book! 

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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