I had a lot of fun coming up with these questions, for what may become a new regular interview series on Rachel's Random Reads.
Based on the sort of game you may play on a night out potentially after a drinks, I asked Rachel Dove a completely randomly created selection of questions, all of which start Would You Rather...?
1) Would you rather live under the sea or in space?
Ah, drowning is my worst fear, but I would hate space a bit less, so space it is!
2) Would you rather only read your genres you write in, or all other genres for the rest of your life?
tricky. All other genres, I avoid genres similar to mine when writing anyway.
3) Would you rather ride a camel or an elephant?
Elephants are my favourite animal in the whole world, so I would pick them!
4) Would you rather eat sweet or savoury food?
Savoury. I am a total carnivore at times.
5) Would you rather pick all future books to read by their covers only, or their blurbs?
I often think that blurbs give too much away, so covers it is!
6) Would you rather go skiing or sit by a beach on holiday?
Beach. You can't read on skis!
7) Would you rather go to the cinema or the theatre?
8) Would you rather read ebooks, audiobooks or physical books?
Any book is a book to me, although audiobooks is something I don't really do yet. I am always a bit behind the times.
9) Would you rather be rich but unhappy or poor and happy?
Happiness would win every time. You can't buy it with money.
10) Would you rather play or watch sports?
Watch. For the legs in shorts, obvs.
11) Would you rather always have to tell the truth, or always have to lie?
Truth, I hate lying. I always try to be honest and I teach my kids the same values.
12) Would you rather always be late or always be unprepared?
I hate both! I am always early and prepared, so I think I would struggle to pick.
13) Would you rather be aged 10 or 30 forever?
30 forever. Kids have a lot of pressure these days. By 30 you kind of know who you are.
14) Would you rather look like a fish or smell like a fish?
ha ha! Good one! I guess look like a fish? With my fear of drowning, gills could come in handy!
15) Would you rather be an only child or have siblings?
Have you met my little brother? He makes Bart Simpson look like Perfect Peter. I do love him though, so siblings is a yes. (just)
16) Would you rather lose your keys or forget your mobile phone?
Mobile phone - you can live without it.
17) Would you rather have free books for life or free food for life?
Free food for life! My two lads are like bottomless pits, and I love to buy books to support authors and publishers.
18) Would you rather give up social media or alcohol?
Social media - it's nice to have a break now and again. Just be present at home. Plus, I love wine far too much to ever be parted from it!
Thank you so much Rachel Dove for taking part in yet another of my random set of interview questions! I hope you had as much fun answering as I did reading what you have put.
Based on the sort of game you may play on a night out potentially after a drinks, I asked Rachel Dove a completely randomly created selection of questions, all of which start Would You Rather...?
1) Would you rather live under the sea or in space?
Ah, drowning is my worst fear, but I would hate space a bit less, so space it is!
2) Would you rather only read your genres you write in, or all other genres for the rest of your life?
tricky. All other genres, I avoid genres similar to mine when writing anyway.
3) Would you rather ride a camel or an elephant?
Elephants are my favourite animal in the whole world, so I would pick them!
4) Would you rather eat sweet or savoury food?
Savoury. I am a total carnivore at times.
5) Would you rather pick all future books to read by their covers only, or their blurbs?
I often think that blurbs give too much away, so covers it is!
6) Would you rather go skiing or sit by a beach on holiday?
Beach. You can't read on skis!
7) Would you rather go to the cinema or the theatre?
8) Would you rather read ebooks, audiobooks or physical books?
Any book is a book to me, although audiobooks is something I don't really do yet. I am always a bit behind the times.
9) Would you rather be rich but unhappy or poor and happy?
Happiness would win every time. You can't buy it with money.
10) Would you rather play or watch sports?
Watch. For the legs in shorts, obvs.
11) Would you rather always have to tell the truth, or always have to lie?
Truth, I hate lying. I always try to be honest and I teach my kids the same values.
12) Would you rather always be late or always be unprepared?
I hate both! I am always early and prepared, so I think I would struggle to pick.
13) Would you rather be aged 10 or 30 forever?
30 forever. Kids have a lot of pressure these days. By 30 you kind of know who you are.
14) Would you rather look like a fish or smell like a fish?
ha ha! Good one! I guess look like a fish? With my fear of drowning, gills could come in handy!
15) Would you rather be an only child or have siblings?
Have you met my little brother? He makes Bart Simpson look like Perfect Peter. I do love him though, so siblings is a yes. (just)
16) Would you rather lose your keys or forget your mobile phone?
Mobile phone - you can live without it.
17) Would you rather have free books for life or free food for life?
Free food for life! My two lads are like bottomless pits, and I love to buy books to support authors and publishers.
18) Would you rather give up social media or alcohol?
Social media - it's nice to have a break now and again. Just be present at home. Plus, I love wine far too much to ever be parted from it!
Thank you so much Rachel Dove for taking part in yet another of my random set of interview questions! I hope you had as much fun answering as I did reading what you have put.
Contemporary women's fiction
Date: 11th January 2018
HQ Digital
Does everyone deserve a second
As an army trauma surgeon Kate knows how to keep
her cool in the most high pressure of situations. Although back at home in
England her marriage is falling apart, out in the desert she’s happy knowing
that she’s saving lives.
Until she meets Cooper. It’s up to Kate to make a
split-second decision to save Cooper’s life. Yet Cooper doesn’t want to be
saved. Can Kate convince him to give his life a second chance even though its
turning out dramatically different from how he planned?
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2DOfT4R
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2qbTuwm
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/2CawuQ7
am a wife, mother of two boys, perpetual student, avid reader and writer of
words. I sometimes sleep, always have eye bags and dream of retiring to a big
white house in Cornwall, with 2 shaggy dogs, drinking wine on my seafront
balcony whilst creating works of romantic fiction. All done with immaculate
make up and floaty dresses.
In the meantime I nearly always remember to brush my hair, seldom have time to look in a mirror and write many, many to-do lists.
My first solo novel, Crossing Life Lines is out now in Kindle and paperback format. Look out for my horror shorts, published through Bayou Brew Publishing: The House of Sugar Blood, August 2013 and Uni Assassin, out now, and my short story, Mallow Girl, out now.
In July 2015, I won the Prima magazine and Mills & Boon Flirty Fiction Competition, with my entry, The Chic Boutique on Baker Street, out now in ebook and paperback, and the follow up novel in the series, The Flower Shop on Foxley Street.
In the meantime I nearly always remember to brush my hair, seldom have time to look in a mirror and write many, many to-do lists.
My first solo novel, Crossing Life Lines is out now in Kindle and paperback format. Look out for my horror shorts, published through Bayou Brew Publishing: The House of Sugar Blood, August 2013 and Uni Assassin, out now, and my short story, Mallow Girl, out now.
In July 2015, I won the Prima magazine and Mills & Boon Flirty Fiction Competition, with my entry, The Chic Boutique on Baker Street, out now in ebook and paperback, and the follow up novel in the series, The Flower Shop on Foxley Street.
Author Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5831003.Rachel_Dove
signed copy of the book (Open internationally)
This book looks intriguing and I’m sure it will be a very good read. I’ve not read any of this author’s work previously so would like to discover her for myself.