Monday 15 July 2024

Book Review - On The Edge by Sarah Turner

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Title: On The Edge
Author: Sarah Turner
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Transworld Digital
Publication Date: 4th July 2024
Rating: 4 Stars

Sometimes, in order to move forward, you need to go back.

Joni’s always felt like an outsider in her blended family, and as an adult she’s done all she can to avoid them. The only person she’s remained close to is her beloved Nana.

When Nana dies, she leaves behind something unexpected: an itinerary of pre-arranged activities for the whole family to complete over the course of a week. After years of trying but failing to bring Joni back into the fold, this appears to be Nana’s parting shot. After all, nothing says ‘family bonding’ quite like abseiling and ballroom dancing.

With marriage and kids on the horizon, the life Joni’s always dreamed of is finally within touching distance. The last thing she wants to do is revisit the past.

But Joni’s about to discover that a lot can happen in seven days. Nana’s Week of Fun is about to change everything…

Firstly I must just say that to me the star of this story is Stan.  He's a 7 year old boy that has been adopted by Joni's stepbrother Nick, and is utterly fabulous. 

He is continually trying to find things out for his podcast, can be found listening and occasionally recording to things his ears probably shouldn't hear and as a result all sorts of chaos could occur. He also is really sensitive, and I loved how he started to bond with Joni. 

Joni was essentially emotionally blackmailed into spending a week with her blended family, and she isn't looking forward to it.  Not only that she hates organised activities, and not being in control. 

So a week that includes all of that, along with her nemesis but not with her long term partner for support isn't ideal for her. 

I loved the various activities and once I got the family dynamics straight in my head, I was gripped by this book. I was totally entertained and found myself thinking about the characters when I wasn't reading, which is always the sign of a good book. 

There are all manner of surprises in store for the characters, and I just found this to be really entertaining. 

A really enjoyable book to read, with a great cast of characters. 

Thank you to Transworld Digital and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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