Wednesday 2 October 2024

Book Review - Second Chance Romance by Carol Mason

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Title: Second Chance Romance
Author: Carol Mason
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Bookouture
Publication Date: 22nd July 2024
Rating: 4 Stars

Hate at first sight. Love at long last?

Moira is forty-two, newly single thanks to her cheating husband, and totally, one hundred per cent, over men. Frank is forty-five, irritatingly good-looking, and the author of the world’s greatest love story. If only his charm on the page translated to real life… Unfortunately, their barely adult children are convinced they’re in love. And they’re eloping. To Greece. Without their parents.

Moira married young and lived to regret it. She’s desperate for her daughter not to make the same mistake. And the last thing Frank wants is to spend future Thanksgivings stuck together. So they make a pact: to find their kids, before it’s too late.

But as their Mamma-Mia-in-reverse journey leads to sandy beaches, picture-perfect cobbled streets, bickering by candlelight, and into their hotel’s hot tub… Moira is unable to ignore the prickle of heat under Frank’s gaze. Nor the sparks that fly as they really talk for the first time.

Will they end up going their separate ways as planned? Or has this unexpected trip given them the second chance at love they didn’t know they needed?

I will happily admit that it was the gorgeous brightly coloured covered that captured my initial attention but after glancing at the blurb it confirmed that I definitely had to give this book a go... 

.. and the author too as I've not read anything by them before.  And I'm glad I gave this a shot as it was highly enjoyable. 

I loved the dynamics between Moira and Frank, and their plotting to split up their children's relationship, and their text message exchanges are great fun. 

And the following their kids half way around the world from LA to Greece is brilliant, and the story between them really gets going once they are on Greek soil. 

The scenes in Athens around the Plaka reminded me of my short time of Athens and everything that was described in Santorini off season, reminded me of the start of season in Zante the summer I worked there - complete with the cold and weather! 

Oh to be Harriet and Aiden, young and in love, they really made me envious, of things that I never had, and I'm more Moira's age but without any of her experiences. 

Moira spends the book torn in what to do about her husband back in England, she is convinced he is cheating, but instead of talking it through rationally, she basically spends 3 months ignoring of all his messages - ok that sounds like something I would do! 

This was just a highly enjoyable escapist novel that made my cold fade away into the background, and I was totally focused on my enjoyment of the words of this story.  Definitely a great introduction for me to this author, and I'll be curious to see what she writes next. 

Thank you to Bookouture and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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