Sunday 27 December 2020

12 Days of Author's Favourite Feel Good Books - Day 2 - February Releases

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Over the course of the 12 days of Christmas, we are going to be celebrating the feel good novels that were released each month of 2020. 

I know that 2020 has been a horrible year for many, a year unlike anything else we have ever experienced, but if like me you have found great solace in reading, and especially books that have made you completely escape reality and feel good for even a short time, then you may like these suggestions from various authors. 

These are their top Feel Good reads from 2020 and each day I'll look at a different month's releases, as it made sense at the time I came up with the idea!   So onwards, let's see what fabulous feel good books were released in February 2020. 

The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley

 - as recommended by Kitty Wilson

I'm going to recommend The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley, published in February this year. 

It shows the power of positive human interaction and how small actions can mean so much. It is uplifting and rammed full of optimism, a book about community and support, friendship and love and I defy anyone not to pick it up and be both transported and delighted.

Purchase from Amazon UK

Note from Rachel - Sounds like it's a fabulous book, and just what 2020 and beyond needs. 

Saving Missy by Beth Morrey
 - as recommended by Caroline James

I loved this book because it was ultimately so uplifting during a year of such gloom. The evolving relationships between a group of people is beautifully portrayed and I fell in love with the characters. When the book finished I wanted to start it all over again. A gem of a read.

Purchase from Amazon UK

Note from Rachel - Well it's always a good sign wanting to re-read the book instantly.  It sounds lovely and just what we all need at the moment. 

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