Monday 17 June 2024

Book Review - Her Last Summer by Emily Freud - #HolidayReading Cruise

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Title: Her Last Summer
Author: Emily Freud
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Quercus
Publication Date: 11th April 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

No body. No crime?

Twenty years ago, Mari vanished while backpacking through Thailand with her boyfriend, Luke. He was accused of murder, but has always insisted he's innocent. Besides, her body was never found.

Now, he's finally ready to talk. And filmmaker Cassidy Chambers wants to be the one to uncover what really happened, back then, in the dark of the jungle.

But as she delves deeper into the past, Cassidy begins to fear what lies ahead, and the secrets buried along the way.

Wow what a book, I really didn't see a fair amount of it coming.

I was completely hooked by this story, and was as eager as Cassidy and her entire team to find out the truth about what happened to Mari, 20 years ago in the Thai jungle. 

I loved the way it was all presented, and the re-enactments of the whole of Luke and Mari's Thai trip was brilliant. I really felt as though I was in Thailand alongside them. 

This was the first book I had read from Emily Freud and I would certainly be eager to read more in the future.  I was transported to the world between the pages and found myself not wanting  to leave it. 

Thank you to Quercus and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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