Tuesday 18 June 2024

Book Review - Love in Provence by Jo Thomas - #BlogTour

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Title: Love In Provence
Author: Jo Thomas
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: 6th June 2024
Rating: 5 Stars

Escape to the beautiful lavender fields of Provence this summer

Del moved to the south of France three years ago and hasn’t looked back. She’s found new friends, new purpose, and new love with gorgeous Fabien.

But just as harvest on her little lavender farm is due to begin, Del gets some shocking news. With no time to dwell as she welcomes a new crew of lavender pickers, she unexpectedly waves goodbye to Fabien for the summer.

Usually cooking – the thing she loves best – would help soothe her troubles, but Del doesn’t remember how . . . And then chef Zacharie comes to town, dropping another bombshell!

Over one summer in Provence that’s full of surprises, friends old and new rally round. Can they complete the harvest and pull the community back together? And if Fabien returns, will Del finally get her happy-ever-after?

How wonderful it was to be back in Provence, and in Del's life.  I hadn't twigged until I started reading that this was clearly a sequel to Escape to the French Farmhouse, purely as I don't read blurbs of Jo Thomas books, I just know I want to read them as she is always awesome. 

And this was absolutely no exception, as I devoured this book over the course of a evening, and was very lucky to not miss my stop on the tube.  I've discovered over the years that reading a Jo Thomas novel on a train / tube means the journey goes fast, the pages turn fast and I am oblivious to the outside world around me!  Such is my level of immersion. 

You could practically smell the lavender as you are reading this, and there are so many mouth watering meals described that it's no wonder I was hungry by the end of the book (despite having eaten not that long before!). 

Catching up with old friends in this story, as well as making new ones, this is showing the Del was living her best life until a Mistral swept into town and turned things a bit topsy turvy, which added to the drama and intrigue of the book. 

There is absolutely nothing going smoothly, and it takes the whole community to get involved to help her. 

I just loved everything about this book, it conjures up the feeling of summer, even while reading it out of season, and is full of love. I couldn't get enough of this, and certainly would be happy if there was yet another book set here. 

Thank you to Penguin and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

Please do follow along with the rest of the blog tour - 

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