Wednesday 12 June 2024

Book Review - Seven Exes by Lucy Vine

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Title: Seven Exes
Author: Lucy Vine
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: 25th May 2023
Rating: 4 Stars

Esther is out with her two friends, bemoaning her lack of relationship, when she finds a magazine from the noughties. Seeking comfort – and a laugh – she turns to the dating advice only to find an article that feels a little too close to home. According to the journalist, there are seven people a woman will date before finding the one:

The First Love, The Work Mistake, The Friend with Benefits, The Overlap, The Missed Chance, The Bastard and The Serious One. 

Her friends laugh but Esther realises each of her exes fits these roles perfectly. Deciding that she’s mistaken her true love in the reject pile she decides to contact each of her exes to find out which is the one that got away...

This was really entertaining. 

I loved Esther's determination to revisit her seven main exes as described in a magazine article, in the hopes that she was mistaken about one of them, and that they truly are "the one". 

As she sets off on this quest along with the support of her flatmates and best friends, we get three flash backs at appropriate places, of typically beginning, middle and end of each of the relationships for each ex, to give us some much needed background to the man. 

And well some of them really should never have been revisited ever, and even the ones I kind of liked I wasn't really sure if they were right for Esther. 

It turns into a journey of self discovery, and funnily enough I did have half an inkling about who she might end up with, even though the other half of the time I was convinced about something different for that person. 

I really enjoyed the author's writing style, it's light, funny and fairly quick paced.  I loved getting to know all the various characters, even though i didn't always agree with Esther's decisions. 

Very glad I finally sat down to read this given how long it has been on my kindle, and will definitely look out for more from this author in the future. 

Thank you to Simon and Schuster and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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