Thursday 6 June 2024

Book Review - I Died On A Tuesday by Jane Corry

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Title: I Died On A Tuesday
Author: Jane Corry
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: 6th June 2024
Rating: 5 Stars


The victim: Eighteen-year-old Janie leaving home for a new life.
The criminal: World-famous rockstar, Robbie, who harbours a shocking secret.
The protector: Witness support officer, Vanessa, desperate to right the wrongs of her past.

They tried to bury that fateful day. Now it’s back to haunt them.


Once again Jane Corry has written a book that has blown my mind.  

When I wasn't reading this, I was thinking about it, and just when you think you might know how thinks may resolve themselves, another twist is thrown in to keep you totally on your toes. 

And even more impressive is the way what initially seems like some separate stories between the characters, actually proves they are linked in ways I would have never dreamed of (although made perfect sense once you knew). 

I actually felt sympathy for all the main characters in this, including for the man who was accused of murder. 

There are so many threads to this that I really wouldn't want to risk spoiling anything but suffice to say there is one rather addictive story within the pages of this book.  This truly is a masterclass in fabulous storytelling., from an author that gets better and better with each book. 

There are scenes set within a prison that were so vividly described that I could picture it clearly and at points it made me feel quite ill. The chapters from Janie's point of view were sensitively written, while Vanessa discovers all sorts of things as the story progresses. 

It's just a fabulous book, and one that I'm sure will play on my mind for a while now that I've finished it. 

Heartily recommend this book. 

Thank you to Penguin and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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