Thursday, 13 July 2017

Book Review - Coming Home to Cuckoo Cottage by Heidi Swain

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Title: Coming Home to Cuckoo Cottage
Author: Heidi Swain
Format reviewed: Ebook
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Simon & Schuster 
Publication Date:  13th July 2017
Rating: 5 Stars

When Lottie Foster’s grandmother’s best friend Gwen dies, she leaves Lottie her lovely home, Cuckoo Cottage.

Lottie loves the cottage but Matt, a charming local builder, points out that beneath its charm it is falling apart. Luckily he is always on hand to help with the problems that somehow seem to keep cropping up. But is he just a bit too good to be true? Certainly Will, Lottie’s closest neighbour, seems to think so.

Lottie plans to set up her own business renovating vintage caravans. She hasn’t told anyone about the project she has cooked up with Jemma from The Cherry Tree Café to repurpose Gwen’s old caravan and turn it into a gorgeous tearoom.

But before she can finally enjoy living with her legacy she must uncover who she can trust, and who to avoid. And with two men vying for her attention, will she also find love?

Why is it that good books always come to an end far too soon? I was really enjoying the story,  had been rooting for Lottie to realise the truth about one of the men interested in her, and the next thing I know I'm up to the epilogue, and then have run out of words and pages!  Such a shame as I was loving the book, and now have to  spend the next few months waiting for the next book by this talented author! 

Although this is the fourth book set in and around Wynbridge, let me assure you its able to be read as a complete standalone, with a whole new main character. However for those of you that have read others by the author, you will join me in being delighted to be able to catch up with their latest exploits, and seeing familiar faces, while of course learning all about Lottie, and her life. 

Lottie unexpectedly comes into an inheritance of Cuckoo Cottage, so long as she lives there for a year. She loved the cottage as a child, so is excited at finally trying to make something of her life.  Within her first few days in the cottage she meets two rather different but both attractive men, one good and one bad...although it takes Lottie ages to work out which is which!

There were times I wanted to knock some sense into Lottie, was all my senses were shouting in one direction, but its always tricky when there are smooth talkers about. Lottie though does come up with a plan for how she could make a living, so long as things work according to plan. 

There is just such an easy to read, good vibe from this story, that had me turning pages incredibly fast without me noticing. I was so absorbed in the story and enjoying every element of it from new found friendships, to overcoming old fears, learning to trust, some cute chickens, a dog who is a good judge of character, and of course being able to catch up with my favourite characters from previous books by the author.

Coming Home to Cuckoo Cottage is a fabulous story that i thoroughly enjoyed reading. After four books I feel incredibly at home in Wynbridge, and I find it quicker each time to remember the characters, which helps. The two men involved in Lottie's potential romance are like chalk and cheese, and her neighbours are on the whole familiar characters that have her best interests at heart.   

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for this copy of the book which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. 

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