Welcome to the latest edition of Truth of Lie. My name is Rachel and I will be your host, for this exciting new game show. Each Friday, I will have one contestant, and they will be answering at least 14 questions. There is of course one small twist...
For three of the answers, they have to lie. It is your task as the viewer to guess which three answers are lies. You are allowed 3 guesses and I want them posted into the comments field.
Every 4 weeks, I will close the guessing, count up how many correct answers each of you has, and create a leaderboard. Anyone who is top of the leaderboard, will go into a draw for a paperback of the winners choice (open internationally).
Please do include a way for me to contact you (email or twitter or similar), so that I can let you know if you have won.
The weekend after a 4 week period closes, not only will I produce a leaderboard, and announce a winner, I will also let you know into the true answers, and which were the lies.
Closing date for the third month is 11pm on 4th August 2016.
So without further ado, let's meet today's contestant.
Good morning contestant, please can you tell me your name and a little bit about yourself?

Please to meet you Renee, I love your blog, and its a pleasure to have you on Truth or Life?
Now onto the show, and remember everyone, Renee hasn't been entirely truthful with three of these answers, so it is up to you to guess which ones they are (only 3 guesses per person though).
1) What was your most memorable holiday ever?
My most memorable holiday would have to be my trip to Thailand. It was my first overseas holiday and I crammed in lots of fun. The highlight was getting married with a Traditional Thai Buddhist wedding in Chiang Mai, followed by a honeymoon trekking through the Hill Tribes.
2) Besides reading, which I am guessing is a given, what other hobbies do you have?
Apart from reading (yes that is a given) I love swing dancing. I first started in 2000, and after a break for a few years when I had kids, I’m back dancing again. I love it so much, it’s found a starring role in my novel.
3) What are you most scared of?
I’m most scared of frogs. The thought of their slimy skin touching mine makes me shudder. Ergh.
4) If you won the lottery, how would you spend the money?
I would be terribly practical if I won the lottery. Pay off all our debts. Buy a nice house. Invest enough to live comfortably, then travel the world.
5) Did you have an invisible friend as a child? If so please tell me about them.
I had two invisible friends. One was named Jenny. She came in a red car and Mum had to set another place at the table when we ate. I made a phone out of a shoebox to call her on. My other pretend friend was called Bad Renee. I think you can guess what she was like...
6) What is your guilty pleasure when it comes to music?
Um... Audiobooks... When normal people listen to music, like in the car on the way to work, I have an audiobook on. It’s like spoken word music, right?
7) If you could be a fruit, what would you be and why?
I would be a coconut, so I could live on a tropical island and watch the sun set over the ocean every day.
8) Who is the most important person in the world to you?
The most important person in the world is Luketommolly – I can’t choose between my husband and two kids.
9) What would your ideal pet be?
I’ve had dogs, cats, birds, fish, mice, a rabbit, a guinea pig, chickens and a beetle. I prefer the cuddly, furry ones, but yet to find one that cleans up its own poo.
10) Who is your ideal Disney character?
Snow White – I’d love her to move in with me and take care of all the cooking and cleaning. I’m happy for the woodland animals to help, so long as they don’t poo in the house.
11) What is your dream job, and have you tried to achieve it?
My dream job is to be a Physiotherapist. I tried, but failed three times and dropped out of uni.
12) What superpower would you love to have?
I would love to be able to fly.
13) What is the most annoying interview question you have ever been asked?
“Who’s your favourite author?” I can’t choose. It’s right up there with “What’s your favourite book?” There are just too many and I love them all.
14) If you could only read one author for the rest of your life (and I’m aware that’s a very scary world), who would you choose and why?
Probably James Patterson. I haven’t actually read any of his books yet, but I figure, with the amount he’s pumping out and the variety of genres he’s tackling, there’s bound to be enough books to keep me busy for a little while. I might still have to ration them out a bit, considering I read over 200 books last year.
Thank you so much Renee, I agree being asked for your favourite book or author is very annoying, but it is the sort of thing people like to know, and yeah James Patterson does seem to be highly prolific.
I hope you have enjoyed this edition of Truth or Lie? I will be back next week with another episode, and in the mean time...
Don't forget to guess the lies, to be in with a chance of a prize!
Renee Conoulty is military wife and mother of two gorgeous kids. She has always loved reading, and devours books as readily as she devours chocolate. Renee started a book blog, HeySaidRenee, to share her love of books with the wider community. It was through this outlet that she found the courage to start writing. When she’s not helping primary school children learn to read or swing dancing, she can be found tapping away at the keyboard, working on her debut novel.
Blog – HeySaidRenee - http://heysaidrenee.blogspot.com.au/
Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/HeySaidRenee
Twitter - https://twitter.com/HeySaidRenee
Newsletter - http://eepurl.com/bPay5r
As a complete guess I'm going with 5, 11, 14
ReplyDeleteThese are always so hard but I'm going to try anyway! I guess you don't really mind frogs, you wouldn't be at all practical if you won the lottery and you secretly do have a favourite author.
ReplyDeleteThanks for inviting me to play Rachel. It's so much fun doting back to see what people guess.
ReplyDeleteSiting back - my new phone had weird ideas about what I'm trying to say (& I do my best editing after I hit publish)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy friend Janice was having trouble commenting, so I'm copying her answers over from Facebook.
ReplyDeleteOk..... I bet on 4, 11 & 14 😆
My friend Janice was having trouble commenting, so I'm copying her answers over from Facebook.
ReplyDeleteOk..... I bet on 4, 11 & 14 😆
I think 5, 11, 14, may be fibs.
ReplyDeleteI like luketommolly a great name so my favourite person would be Johnpaullisagrahamliz mmm... doesn't quite have the same ring. Great post Rachel, fun answers Renee.
Because blogspot doesn't always play nice with wordpress I will put my link here.